Quinn stared down at her food as she listened to Cyril. She would need to finish it, wouldn't she? It seemed like it would be rude to just not eat it all, and it was her first time at a fancy restaurant like this, after all. Maybe if she just had little bites? But that thought was swiftly banished as Cyril finished speaking, and she tilted her head. "[color=ffe63d]You're right, that [i]is[/i] weird.[/color]" She thought a moment, trying to remember everything the woman had said to her in their brief meeting. What was that line...? "[color=ffe63d]Well, she didn't seem very...[i]Euseran.[/i][/color]" Well, not that she really knew any Euserans, but she'd read interviews and watched their TV, and that was more than enough for her. Ah, that's what it was. [i][COLOR=fc4a03]I’m a big fan of the way you blow shit up and don’t murder people.[/color][/i] She tapped a finger a few times on the table, took a [i]stupidly[/i] rich bite, chewed, swallowed. "[color=ffe63d]She's one of the only people that told me i did the right thing by not...ending the duel,[/color]" she finished lamely. "[color=ffe63d]Still,[/color]" she continued after choking down another bite of food and doing a surprisingly good job at looking like she wasn't choking it down, "[color=ffe63d]she was so cheerful. I can't imagine why people wouldn't want to have her on.[/color]" Another bite, and then a piece of potato to wash the taste down. She rolled her neck back and forth, trying to work out the tired kinks in it without looking too obtrusive and thinking about what Cyril had said before. God, she was so [i]stiff.[/i] Guess that was what she got for getting next to no sleep, she thought. "[color=ffe63d]We should spar sometime,[/color]" she said without warning, "[color=ffe63d]either on sims or in the gym. What time—[/color]" Wait, that was right, Casoban was less tightly scheduled, right? She hastily amended herself, "[color=ffe63d]are you going to the gym sometime tomorrow? Or later today, maybe?[/color]"