[center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyrBSDxW-qE[/youtube][/center] [center][h1][color=gray][b]Parabellum[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][color=gray][b]Sometimes you have to kill what you love...[/b][/color][/h3][/center] Their togetherness was cut short as a certain bitch finally appeared on the scene. Thought she was hot shit with her heels and fancy car. To put it simply, Nick- [i]of all people[/i]- felt that Sabrina was tone-deaf. Nick pulled away from Thierry and let Sabrina be the piece of work that she was. Did she even know Thierry? How he'd struggled with losing sight of his children over the years and then having two of them physically be taken too? He stayed quiet and let her ramble her displeasure at a man she was no longer married to. Personally, Nick would've just come and picked his kids up and left, had it been him, but women had a way of prolonging any internal dialog to a point of frustrated tears. So he sat there quietly and soaked in the birds, the harbor's noise, and the smell of the ocean. Even after that bitch hit Thierry across the face, he opted to listen to Thierry's attempt to control his whimpering. Who the fuck does she think she is? Can't she see how torn he was already? Did she even try to understand anything from his point of view? She'd clearly been given everything in her life. It was perfect up to a point, save for her inability to have and keep Thierry- despite the desperate attempt. The suit jacket that Thierry had pulled around him was warm. He pulled it tighter around him as another breeze past them by. There was a slight hint of men's cologne that Thierry wore, but unfortunately, it was diluted. Nick was never one for strong scents and Thierry observed this by toning down his normal level of use. Still though, Nick sat there on the chilled bench, wishing that things were different as he inhaled deeply, trying to grab a stronger hit of the smell. That he was 20 years older or that Thierry was 20 years younger. Nick flinched as Sabrina shoved a wedding ring box in Thierry's hand. It was a knee-jerk reaction on his part and he hoped it'd looked more like he shivered from the wind. That level of rejection was something he'd felt before. A longing for someone to care, but that person, for whatever reason was unwilling to do so. Still though, Nick sat there calmly... but then her last words burned deep. [center]... [h1][b]"Do what you want. It's not like you haven't the last two decades."[/b][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SFMVuEv.gif[/img] ...[/center] Nick stared blankly for a moment with his mind wrapping around what had just been said. Thierry hadn't said a word this whole time and that alone would have been enough to keep Nick's mouth shut, but alas, [i]bitches be bitches[/i]- and this particular [i]cuntasaurus [/i]didn't know a damn thing about him. However, he was more than happy to oblige in a dog fight instead of take cover any day of the week. He sat there calmly, a small smile forming across his lips. There was absolutely no way in hell that he would let this go. He'd heard enough of her bullshit, and he had a full clip waiting to be fired. He spoke with an air of superiority, [b]"So what's it like losing your husband to a [i]man [/i]who's [i]20 years younger[/i] than you? Because I'd [i]really [/i]like to know,"[/b] He paused to shake his head and with a bit of a chuckle he added, [b]"But I don't think I'll be able to cross that off my bucket list in this lifetime."[/b] Nick gently pulled the wedding box from Thierry who did little more than wet blink at him in reaction and looked back to Sabrina before he opened the box. The sparkling stones were bright in the sunlight. It was as if looking into a crystal ball as he stared for a moment. What he really wanted to do? Chuck it over the railing and let it sink deep into the ocean like the old lady did in that one movie with the ridiculously big boat. Set it on fire and see how long until it melt? A myriad of other fantastical ideas crossed his mind, but he stood up and cautiously wandered over to Aurélie, [b]"Here, you deserve this more than your maman does."[/b] He placed the tiny box in her hands and put a hand on her shoulder. His blue eyes stared into hers as he continued to speak calmly, [b]"Maybe one day you'll understand that it's just as much [i]her [/i]fault and not entirely [i]his[/i]. Things can still be different, but you just focus on feeling better for now, alright?"[/b] The young stepfather held no more grudges against any of Thierry's children. He looked up to another set of birds in flight as he walked back over to the railing to gaze out into the harbor. [i]He was free.[/i] [center][h3][color=gray][b]...to keep them safe.[/b][/color][/h3][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bw5pi9nUGJ8[/youtube][/center]