[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/0Qyp31Q1/Mia-Thompson-1-removebg-preview.png[/img][hr] [/center] [indent] [quote]"They'll be co-ed. If we can't trust you kids to even sit in a room together without something happening, then you'll never manage to work as a cohesive unit." [/quote] Mia swallowed nervously, not particularly worried about Rhodey's implication. Her attention had always been consumed by a myriad of other aspects: academics, family, and now her heroic duties, leaving little room for romantic interests. Her struggle wasn't precisely related to that, though. It was more about grappling with her altered appearance. To the ears of these seasoned heroes, this concern might seem absurd, considering Professor Hulk himself was literally green. Yet, it was a thought that she couldn't get out of her head. Professor Hulk's explanation brought a measure of relief to Mia's mind, however. The notion of working in tandem with her new peers and embracing their diversity struck a chord with her. She began considering this situation as a challenge worth taking on. Inhaling deeply, she exhaled slowly, feeling a slight tug on her lower lip as Hulk prepared to disclose the identities of their dormmates. [quote] "Why not? Our line of work, it's always 'out of the frying pan, into the fire'. No villain's gonna wait for them to stop being green, and besides, the suspects seem to be pretty new faces." [/quote] Mia couldn't resist voicing her thoughts, despite feeling it might be contrary to the group's viewpoint. [color=82ca9d]"New faces against new faces? Not too shabby,"[/color] she commented, expressing her perspective in a relaxed manner. She wasn't sure if her mentors valued her opinion in this scenario, though. Either way, she couldn't help but squeal once Hulk relented and instructed them to follow Happy. Their first mission! Her moment to shine and show that she belonged here! [hr] Mia examined the card in her hand, flipping it over to study its intricate design. Learning about its various uses made her eyes widen, despite her equally impressive background before joining the Academy. She couldn't help but feel it might be a tad excessive for her taste, having always favoured a more modest lifestyle. However, she acknowledged its practicality and convenience, particularly in facilitating their training and communication among the team. Retrieving her sleek black costume and accompanying gadgets from her locker, Mia pondered their significance. A gift from her spider friend, her hero attire had always symbolized to her a vital step in her hero's journey: the separation between her private life and her heroic endeavours. It wasn't just a suit; it was her armour, shielding her real identity from the world while empowering her to do extraordinary things. Woven into its fibres was a testament to her commitment—to protect and serve, to embrace her ant abilities, and to stand tall against adversity. As she slipped into it, a familiar sense of purpose surged through her. The fabric hugged her frame snugly, and she was relieved to free her antennas from their previous hold. She adjusted her mask in the locker mirror before closing it and making her way back to the group. Mia's heart raced with anticipation as they ascended to the rooftop, her excitement swelling at the sight of the Quinjet. The chance to board such a magnificent craft was a rarity for the entire student body, and for Mia, it marked her maiden voyage on an aircraft of this calibre. The ambiance practically oozed luxury. Settling into the spacious interior, her eyes danced with wonder, revelling in the thrill as the craft gained speed. Amidst the rush of exhilaration, it was a challenge to focus on Happy's explanations. However, Mia strained to pay attention, recognizing the significance of this moment as her initiation into the world of the Avengers. The mention of STARK Tower ignited a surge of excitement within Mia; it was one of those iconic places she had only dreamed of seeing up close. Yet, as Happy detailed the break-in and Mrs. Stark's situation, a wave of concern washed over her. The gravity of the mission became starkly evident, and the realization that someone she admired might be in danger struck Mia harder than she had anticipated. Hoping for the best, she couldn't help but feel a pang of worry. The thought of any harm coming to Mrs Stark... Mia couldn't bear to dwell on it. [color=00aeef]"PEPPER!"[/color] The cry sliced through the air, jolting Mia's attention as she tracked Happy's frantic gaze, observing said individual's tumbling descent from a window. Shock seized her, momentarily freezing her in place. The sickly green ray that struck the Quinjet, propelling it into a spiralling descent, intensified the knot of anxiety evermore, constricting her gut. [color=00aeef]"Shit! Everyone, hold on!"[/color] Happy's urgent, panicked voice reverberated through the cabin, filling it with palpable tension. The sudden crash landing and the jarring impact against the streets below seized Mia's breath, leaving her throat tight with fear. The vessel eventually screeched to a grinding halt, plunging the cabin into a heavy, unsettling silence that underscored the gravity of the situation. As Happy caught his breath and directed the students to leave the aircraft, Mia nodded in response, feeling a bit dizzy from the rough impact and all the chaotic vibrations around her but determined to move forward nonetheless. As the directive came through about five individuals outside the building with unknown abilities, Mia felt a surge of responsibility wash over her. She glanced at the others mentioned—Mazie, Thunderbolt, and the siblings—recognizing the weight of the situation on all of their shoulders. Though she wasn't entirely certain what they were facing, the call for action stirred her determination to help those around her in any way she could. Watching as Sigurd charged towards the group with his booming battle cry, Mia immediately recognized the opportunity his distraction provided. With a quick, subtle motion, she summoned a legion of ants from the surrounding area, telepathically guiding them to stealthily maneuver around the chaotic scene. [color=82ca9d]"Alright, my little friends," [/color]she communicated through their unique link. [color=82ca9d]"Follow my lead and, well, be as annoying as possible."[/color] [/indent]