[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/zVLsAqz.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231206/0f6847ce5955ebb191ba3f7d6c856441.png[/img][/center] As Danny swung through the city, the conversation with Harry weighed heavily on his mind. He knew he had a long road ahead of him to rebuild his reputation, but right now, duty called. Danny couldn’t believe when he heard Caty say it on the phone. He still couldn’t believe it when he swung in and saw it in person. He saw the giant Spider Monkey throw a bus filled with people like it was nothing, and his spider-sense kicked in. Spider-Man to the rescue! He spun a pink web, and intercepted the bus midair. He redirected it to an open area, away from the fleeing crowd. Spider-Man swung down from the web, landing gracefully in front of the bus. Spider-Man reassured the passengers, [color=pink]“Don’t worry, folks. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is here to make sure your tour ends on a high note!”[/color] As the people on the bus got off, a few of them started muttering things about the Spider-Menace from the papers. Of course one heroic act wasn’t going to change their minds. With a sigh, Danny swung back into action, prepared to face whatever the Spider Monkey was going to throw at him next.