Seaside Village Blackout The Elder approaches holding her hand out to Lotus. "I'm no one special. As a little girl I was told that I'm a reincarnated Goddess of the Harvest. But I've never been much of a farmer. Too pretty." Maya regards Galen. "This one. He's quiet. And not dead quiet. Empty. He's like gaping wound in the world." "I'm not familiar enough with how Galen operates to say what the situation is exactly." Omega muses. "Why is this here?" "At least he's useful. And this Umbra. It's like Mana, or chakras, if your from out north. Difference being it's... hungry. Like it's looking for a meal that'll satisfy it. Every thing it gives is in pursuit of whatever it's looking for." Maya taps Galen with her walking stick. "This guy resonates with it. But it's just that. Empty resonance."