[quote=@Session] If we did it, you wouldn't be going out of your way to give us an out. Here's the thing, Gio can't even [i]do[/i] spells like that. *Flies up next to him and puts a hand on his head at his indignant expression* And I [i]couldn't[/i] have done it, since I can't cast spells outside his body. There's a lot of cash on the line here for us, we aren't going to go and screw it up like that. [/quote] *Tilts my head* You misread the situation. I’m not giving an out. Your options are: You give me the name of someone else who’s responsible that you’ve got hiding around here, I arrest them instead of you, and I take Ona. Or- You turn yourselves in, and I take Ona. Or- You fight back, and I kill you. Or you run, and I kill you. And I. Get. Ona. *Clears my throat* I hope that spells out for you, which parts of this current predicament are negotiable in your hands.