[quote=@Malevocholy] *Nods once and disappears from almost all sensory abilities, including sight* [/quote] *Raises an eyebrow with a clear thought on my mind, but neither speaks nor acts on it* [quote=@Session] You know what, I think we have common ground to start with. *Stares into the source of the explosion and closely observes the paths of destruction, looking for microscopic indicators of direction, intensity, and impact of the attack to backtrace its origin and behavior* [/quote] *Stares down Gio while you do, looking him up and down analytically. Your analysis only relays the info that the detonations did truly occur from within the tech on stage, with no evidence of projectiles or other manipulation from afar. Nothing residual even signifies a sabotage device, and energy signatures don’t match anyone known* Well, [i]you[/i] at least truly don’t know anything, Gio. But that doesn’t seem surprising.