[center][h1][color=ed145b]Joker[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [center][h2][color=f7941d]Burning Town, Unknown[/color][/h2][/center] [i]The blood, the bodies, the smell of burning wood. This was an utter tragedy... Joker looked to the man, probably some kind of guard by the looks of him, he had seen plenty of Shadows diguised as such. His eyes stuck to the various signs of death and destruction that lay around them as they walked, this was far worse than Kamoshida or Maderame, this was so much more [b]wrong[/b]. He followed Anne and the man into the lodge, watching silently as Anne started taking charge, dispite her apperant wounds... Joker's eyes drifted down to Alvin at his side, he couldn't imagine what was going on in the boy's mind, to see the bodies of the townspeople unceremoniously scattered across the grounds.[/i] [color=ed145b]"Alvin, are you okay? I know it's... a lot."[/color] [i]He couldn't find any more words, he was worried for a lot of things, for Alvin and Millie, for Anne, another attack... there was so many things to be worried about, and he couldnt decide which one was more important...[/i]