[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qzQpB4t.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q5MCvd2.png[/img] [/center] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LmRkMTgzMC5SV0YwSUhSb1pTQlNhV05vLjA/italianno.regular.webp[/img][/center] The whole derby was essentially free time to share between themselves. When the aberration chaos occurred, they were perched safely on a dragon that had no interest in joining the maelstrom of death below. Before any sense of heroism could take them, however, the Zenos had taken control of the situation and the event was cancelled early. [color=#E5E4E2]“Well,”[/color] Zarina hopped off her grounded dragon, right at the back of her property with the fire melon still in their possession and neutralised. [color=#E5E4E2]“we did good. Didn’t we?”[/color] she offered her hand to the object of her immense affection with a shining smile greeting the Yasoi that had recently returned from war. [color=#E5E4E2]“Ah!”[/color] the Virangish girl clicked her tongue. [color=#E5E4E2]“Before I forget - I have something for you.”[/color] She gestured toward the cellar. The large Froabas behind them was first to look in that direction in expectation for a treat. [color=#E5E4E2]“Right, right.”[/color] she produced a steak of dried meat from one of her pouches and hurled the thing right into the beast’s maw. Miret cocked her head to one side. [color=9e0039]“Well, I had something for you too,”[/color] she replied with an enigmatic smile, [color=9e0039]“but ladies first.”[/color] Much as she loathed closed in spaces and, particularly cellars, she made to follow. [center][h2][url=https://youtu.be/7bW75OwVXZI]♫[/url][/h2][/center] [color=#E5E4E2]“You did?”[/color] Zarina perked up after failing to hide her surprise. The dubious grin had her visibly nervous. [color=#E5E4E2]“Hah, way to make me conscious on whether my gift's good or not!”[/color] she giggled as they descended. With a flick of her wrist, the nearby lanterns were lit up, revealing multiple crates and tools stored inside, as well as a door leading to an adjacent room. With a light kick to the corner, a crate unfolded itself in the most satisfying manner imaginable and revealed a crescent shaped mass with a sharp edge. The thick end of it easily identified it as some sort of claw. [color=#E5E4E2]“Voilà.”[/color] Zarina gestured dramatically. [color=#E5E4E2]“Sand Wyrm claw. 'Cause, you know ...”[/color] her hands went to her hips as she fumbled a bit with her words. [color=#E5E4E2]“War and stuff. I probably shouldn't be doing this, giving top armor material stuff, but ...”[/color] she pursed her lips and eyed her beloved Yasoi's visage. [color=#E5E4E2]“I'd be real heartbroken if something happened to you.”[/color] [color=9e0039]“Aww shucks,”[/color] purred Miret, [color=9e0039]“You really know how to butter a girl up.”[/color] She dawdled around, glancing uneasily up at the ceiling. But then came the gift, and it was... quite the rare thing. [color=9e0039]“Hah!”[/color] the yasoi laughed. [color=9e0039]“I'd be pretty gutted too,”[/color] she admitted, accepting the gift. [color=9e0039]“Sand wyrm claw... where in the five hells did you [i]get[/i] this?”[/color] [color=#E5E4E2]“Uhhh.”[/color] Zarina looked Miret straight in the eye, deadpan. [color=#E5E4E2]“Torragon. From a Sand Wyrm.”[/color] Miret blinked. [color=9e0039]“It, like... died?”[/color] She arched an eyebrow uncertainly. [color=#E5E4E2]“No,”[/color] Zarina smirked. [color=#E5E4E2]“I made a trade deal with it.”[/color] Miret's eyes widened. They remained that way for a second before narrowing. [color=9e0039]“Oh... Hah! Aha! You're messing with me. Holy shit. You really killed a sand wyrm?”[/color] Zarina snorted. [color=#E5E4E2]“You know, I did make a sort-of deal with one before.”[/color] she crossed her arms and feigned some exaggerated smugness. [color=#E5E4E2]“But, yeah, me and some comrades. Like, a year ago. The thing was huge - this big.”[/color] she stretched her arms out as far as they could to add to her skit. [color=#E5E4E2]“And aberration mad. We almost didn't make it.”[/color] then she tapped the big piece of Wyrm. [color=#E5E4E2]“Anyway, yeah, all for you! You may needa very good smith, however.”[/color] Miret leaned in and kissed her, one leg up in behind her, hands clasped at the small of her back, fairylike. She pulled back, smiling. [color=9e0039]“Well shucks, now you've got me worried my little souvenir is gonna pale in comparison...”[/color] She'd been carrying a rucksack with her the entire time and had only put it down once they'd gone indoors. She began to reach for it. Zarina was completely disarmed by the kiss. All the faux-confidence and flexing just melted away. She held onto Miret by the neck, even as the grand reveal was about to occur. Although the suspense barely got to her, as her attention hardly alternated from the Tanso survivor's visage. [color=#E5E4E2]“Glad you like it.”[/color] she whispered. Miret held the bag out. She batted her eyelashes and giggled. [color=9e0039]“It wasn't easy to get,”[/color] she admitted, holding back a large smile. [color=9e0039]“They don't usually allow us war trophies and all."[/color] She blushed, [color=9e0039]“But -here - take a look! It's the severed head of that bitch queen!”[/color] Zarina flinched. Did she hear that right? The smile was still there, and she let out a giggle. [color=#E5E4E2]“No shit?”[/color] her heart began to beat [i]fast[/i]. The Yasoi's acting was on point, if it even was an act. [color=#E5E4E2]“Isn't this how the wild folks of the other continent propose?”[/color] she joked, but concern only grew. She began to draw - only a little of course - just to peek inside the veil. Was she in for a gruesome surprise, or did she fall for a grand troll? Miret nodded earnestly. [color=9e0039]“It is customary to bring the head of a fallen enemy to your beloved in my culture.”[/color] She blinked and smiled uncertainly. [color=9e0039]“This is how we Tarlonese demonstrate that we will provide and protect from the dangers of the unforgiving wild.”[/color] She thrust it with greater enthusiasm into Zarina's arms. Something vaguely round thumped against her chest. Zarina backed up, only to actually have some space between them as the spherical souvenir from Tanso was thrusted into her arms and chest. [i]Fuck[/i]. She did her best to [i]barely[/i] cover any surface of the 'gift', mortified by the notion of feeling a nose or eye cavity. She looked up to Miret with an uncertain smile. [color=#E5E4E2]“O-okay then.”[/color] she just had to be sure. The back was loosened and slowly opened to reveal ... Indeed, it was a head… Of lettuce. [color=9e0039]“Savages, cabbages,”[/color] Miret joked, grinning widely, [color=9e0039]“Similar sound, nuh-uh?”[/color] She flipped her hair over a shoulder. [color=9e0039]“This is Eluuxo,”[/color] she explained, [color=9e0039]“a rare and valuable plant that has an effect like coffee, alcohol, and... well, it excites one in [i]other[/i] ways as well."[/color] She pursed her lips. [color=9e0039]“I [i]did[/i] take me down a bitch queen of Tanso,”[/color] she admitted, [color=9e0039]“and her palace was just [i]full[/i] of the stuff.”[/color] Miret shook her head in disappointment. [color=9e0039]“Bloody degenerates.”[/color] She smirked. A cabbage. A fat sigh of relief was warranted. [color=#E5E4E2]“Fucking hells.”[/color] a big burden gone, although a tad bit of frustration had to be released in the form of a harmless punch to the shoulder. [color=#E5E4E2]“Eat my ass, you had me there you wicked bruja!”[/color] she shook her head, and then took a moment to admire the head in her head. Then, she cackled. [color=#E5E4E2]“Other ways, eh?”[/color] and with little hesitation, she plucked a leaf and took a bite. [color=#E5E4E2]“Not that I need it with you around.”[/color] she stepped forward in a sudden, brisk movement to reach her heand onto the small of Miret's back. [color=#E5E4E2]“Tell me all about your grand exploits, great conqueror.”[/color] she leaned in, nose meeting with Zaz's hair falling onto Miret's shoulder. [color=#E5E4E2]“Show this Yanii who's on truly on top.”[/color] [color=9e0039]“Getting some head already?”[/color] Miret teased. [color=9e0039]“You know there's a way to prepare it, you degenerate.”[/color] She leaned in for another kiss, took Zarina's hand, and closed the door with a thought and a bit of magic. Locks clicked. Lights dimmed. [center]***[/center] It was dark out, although not yet the hours of Ipte. There were no melon themed celebrations, leaving the streets eerily quiet for a trials night. A quietude born of a quickly stifled tragedy, but a tragedy nonetheless. It was nice, Zarina found, if she didn't think too much about it. [color=#E5E4E2]“Hey,”[/color] she cooed behind her partner's pointed ear whilst embracing her from behind. [color=#E5E4E2]“did you actually ... Kill that queen?”[/color] the big spoon tightened her hold a little more. [color=#E5E4E2]“Did you have to do a lot of [i]that[/i]?”[/color] Miret had wanted to lie there and fade into the embrace of sleep, but there was an unwelcome whisper in her ear from a welcome voice. Her hazy mind settled on pretending to be asleep. She shifted slightly, as one does when disturbed from slumber, and let out a soft moan. [color=9e0039]“Mmm.”[/color] Zarina swallowed when she fell for the ploy. [color=#E5E4E2]“Sorry.”[/color] she uttered in the mousiest of voices. [color=#E5E4E2]“Good, hmm,”[/color] she paused for a moment to recite a word that wasn't all that intuitive for her to pronounce. [color=#E5E4E2]“saluuv.”[/color] Miret's heart hammered a little faster and a twinge of guilt prickled inside of her, ready to join its many peers. She made a tired sound and squeezed Zarina's hand with a tired tightness. [color=9e0039]“Y'too,”[/color] she murmured, before drifting off. Only, she didn't sleep for a good long time. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/m4gJJrF.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IAExPCW.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LmMyMWM3Yi5WR2hsSUVKbFoybHVibWx1WncuMA/italianno.regular.webp[/img][/center] Ever since the Student Faire, Zarina had a certain glow about her. She had already been less of a recluse and now she was the radiant light of the room. It was undoubtedly that Yasoi girl that had made it a habit to come over that was behind some of it. While opinions may vary on the nature of her second wind, one couldn’t question the Virangish's drive for productivity and even the over-the-top games of the Trials. Zarina was back with a more approachable air to her, essentially. The Dragon was the next trial, and with it came an unusual announcement in regards to the leg taking place in Citivalunga. Or rather, a warning to maintain good behaviour and consideration. [color=#E5E4E2]“So it’s actually happening, eh?”[/color] Marceline had made a habit of meeting with Zarina every morning so that they could discuss business and, while the coming of The Trials had forced some adjustments to their schedules, it was not going to get in the way of this initiative. They stood beside each other in the crowd, both slightly separate from their teams, Marceline updating her older partner on the operation of their locations and Zarina filling her in on supply chain matters. There was a good deal of friendly and, at times, teasing banter regarding the earlier Melon Derby and, presently, High Zeno Bastaner was discussing the next event on the docket: The Dragon. Marci's eyebrows went up. [color=598527]"Yeah. Wow. They're actually acknowledging it."[/color] She wrinkled her nose. [color=598527]"I don't like it one bit."[/color] She twisted to look over and up at Zarina. [color=598527]"Means it's close: [i]dangerously[/i] close."[/color] Zarina peered to her younger business partner. [color=#E5E4E2]“Scared?”[/color] she smiled with an air of confidence to her. [color=#E5E4E2]“I kind of am too, really.”[/color] she deflated, her hand rising up to brush some hair that had already been neatly tucked behind her ear to undo it so she could put it back in place. A typical nervous habit of her's. [color=#E5E4E2]“No more coffee lines. The fuck do we do after that?”[/color] Marceline furrowed her brow. [color=598527]"That [i]is[/i] the big looming worry. Thing is... if we've noticed, others have."[/color] The Zeno was moving on to the conclusion of his speech and she'd have to go within moments. [color=598527]"How much do you think the prices have risen already?"[/color] [color=#E5E4E2]“Too much.”[/color] answered Zarina, arms crossed as numbers were crunched in his simple little head. [color=#E5E4E2]“Do we just unga-bunga Eskandish-style it?”[/color] she regarded Marci, uncertain. Marceline nibbled her bottom lip. [color=598527]"Yeah,"[/color] she agreed. [color=598527]"I think we do. We just... need to raise the capital somehow because, if we do this, we do it all the way."[/color] Her eyes flicked Zarina's way again, in seriousness. [color=598527]"We'll need an obscene amount to ride out a bloody [i]war[/i]."[/color] Zarina shrugged. [color=#E5E4E2]“We do what upstarts always do.”[/color] she began, a tad cryptic before shooting a grin at her close friend. [color=#E5E4E2]“Borrow it from whales and have a backup plan for running away with it if shit gets [i]that[/i] bad.”[/color] [color=598527]"And [i]I'm[/i] the devious one,"[/color] Marci joked in response. She shook her head good-naturedly as the High Zeno bid them to join their teams and prepare for the opening of the portals. [color=598527]"Looks like we'll have to discuss it later,"[/color] she replied in earnest. [color=598527]"But you're right, and we'll need to get a move on it soon, too."[/color] She'd already taken a few steps back, but then she paused and darted forward, enfolding Zarina in a quick embrace. [color=598527]"You look happy, suunei."[/color] She smiled and blushed a touch. [color=598527]"Stay well and good luck!"[/color] Then, they were separated and she was backing away into the crowd and her focus turned, in its entirety, to the race ahead. Zarina flashed a smirk and winked at Marceline, before departing with a thumbs up out of her extended arm. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dtCiolC.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LjFjNzZjMi5URzl6ZENCRGFYUjUuMA/italianno.regular.webp[/img][/center] [color=#E5E4E2][i]You got this Zaz.[/i][/color] Zarina was in full leotard, hair tied into a net and goggles tightly bound to her head. One would barely be able to recognize her. [color=#E5E4E2][i]It’s just a race, they’ll revive you if shit goes wrong.[/i][/color] Although it wasn’t the girl that stood out but the gargantuan creature she was riding. Bigger than anything else and visibly grumpy from having a minuscule creature ride it. The Blue Water Behemoth was her choice and apparently she was the only one crazy enough to take it. [color=#E5E4E2][i]I’m gonna taste death for the first time, aren’t?[/i][/color] A low, reverberating growl was emitted from the creature. Almost as if it could smell her fear. [color=#E5E4E2][i]Just do like you did i-[/i][/color] A whistle indicated the relay for Raffscallions. She was first! Zarina, instead of panicking, spurred the beast into action, surprising it instead. Her partner followed behind, slow and steady. [center][h2][url=https://youtu.be/BX3bN5YeiQs]♫[/url][/h2][/center] Drugs, that was what her wildblood colleague had found. A boost for threshers, one she mindlessly fed her steed right before Abdel’s long-range disruption. Chaos ensued. Few were spared from the Behemoth’s wrath. Zarina did her very best to hold it back, and to a degree she did with control over where the rage was channelled. A select group was pursued, and the ruins were made even more ruined. Ultimately, though, the Behemoth became unconquerable. Nothing could stop its aquatic stride and damned be those that tried. Deep in the centre of the sunken city, Zarina dug unperturbed while Axolotl secured their win conditions with the stalwart crackclaw. And there she found it - The Calesardes Mechanism. That’s what it would be called if Zarina actually knew what it was. In her eyes, it was a peculiar, oddly unscathed triangular pyramid apparatus with wheels and gears as well as an 'eye' on one sidethat could be of value. Although the faintest hint of temporal stain was perhaps what attracted her to it in the first place. The rest was merely an ascension with a still agitated Behemoth, but one tuckered out enough to not resist Zarina gentle guidance. Once emerged as an unexpected first, likely due to the chaos she and Abdel had generated, she secured her victory and set her sights on Oweyn soon after his arrival. Still on her beast, she merely looked down at him. He looked back. [color=#E5E4E2]“You got a box for me?”[/color] [color=orange]”Nope.”[/color] And then he walked off, unimpressed. Zarina didn’t dare hop off her crack-Behemoth just yet. [color=#E5E4E2]“Well screw you too.”[/color] the beast stirred. [color=#E5E4E2]“Not you, Ruben.”[/color] the tapped Ruben’s carapace, doing little to change its demeanour.