[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/957d02ff-5f69-4db1-ba0b-8e84677c7bed.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] It took all of a few hours for Melyssanthi to be so tired of the bootlickers that she made sure to make a mental list for vengeance. Every slight, plentiful in their number; real or imagined, on her or her family was magnified and fed her rage like oil poured on a bonfire. But did she let on how she felt? No. The serene smile or expressionlessness of her face did much to fool others. Those that were not her mother or siblings. Waiting. That is all the days following were full of after her Uncle usurped the throne. Melyssanthi’s patience was wearing thin and it was getting harder to pretend submission. Thankfully the day came that Maegor and Visenya left, thankfully they left with the two women behind that they had brought with them. Alys Harroway and Tyanna of the Tower were less than savory companions and Melyssanthi was glad that they had left. Their departure had brought a storm. A vicious powerful storm that lashed at Dragonstone with a fury that matched the inner workings of Melyssanthi. Being Targaryen she knew the passages that were unknown to those outside the family. The fortuitous storm swept in just after supper was served and beat its wrath upon the island as the sun set and the night deepened. The flashes of lightning were the only brightness for the mere moments that the flashes split the night. Melyssanthi on bare feet moved swiftly and silently in a tight passageway to her younger brother Aegon’s room. He no longer needed anything within it. However she could use some of his old clothes. The hidden panel slid away from the wall silently and Melyssanthi held her breath as a flash of lightning illuminated the room. Empty. Thank the gods for a mother who had yet to let go. Slipping into the room, Melyssanthi quickly pawed through her brother's clothes and pulled out a black outfit that looked like it would fit her. Stripping out of her chemise and robe she quickly pulled on Aegon’s clothes. They were loose around the waist and a little long at the ends. Cinching the pants as best she could with a belt and rolling up the sleeves, Melyssanthi sighed softly, shaking her head as she tucked the pants into the boots she had brought with her. There was no way she was going to be able to fit Aegon’s boots. Seeing a bag that was bigger than the one she had brought, Melyssanthi picked it up and smiled at the fact that it was cured as to be weatherproof. She took it as a sign that Aegon knew that Rhaena needed her. She stuffed another pair of pants, a couple of shirts and a knife in the bag as well as her own bag which was smaller and full of jewels that were hers. Melyssanthi paused and thought. [i]Didn’t Aegon have leather armor that might be my size?[/i] Again pawing through her dead brother’s things she finally found the set at the bottom of a chest and she knew she had to leave immediately. She wanted to be able to get out of this prison and there was only one shot. Melyssanthi was headed to her sister Rhaena and no one was going to stop her. However she couldn’t stand to let her mother worry about her. Slipping back into the passage she made her way to Viserys’ room. Quiet as a mouse she slipped in and woke him covering his mouth so he didn’t squeak. [color=#9400D3]“Tell mother I love her. I’m taking Fyresong and we are leaving. Tell mother to do the same and not to be stupid because it’s only a matter of time till they kill us.”[/color] His eyes were huge and Melyssanthi knew he was paying attention.[color=#9400D3] “Do not let her tell you that Maegor or Visenya would not kill their kin. You saw him kill the Maester. You know the story of Grandmere. You know they never recovered her body. Think why that is.”[/color] She whispered harshly and shook Viserys gently hoping to get her point across.[color=#9400D3] “You know Grandmere was more beautiful and well loved then Visenya. Tell mother you need to flee to a house that will make sure that succession stays true. Remember those that were here are not to be trusted. I love you all. Go to our mother as soon as I leave. I will create a distraction.”[/color] She kissed her brother on the forehead and slipped out into the passage that she had been using to escape notice of the guards who had turned on the royal family. Pressing her luck Melyssanthi knew someone was bound to find that she wasn’t in her room and her feet moved ever more swiftly as she put the second part of her plan. She just hoped that the storm held. She felt the walls and floor shake with the crack of thunder as she came to where she had to pass into a corridor to the bridge that led to the dungeons. She was sure that those who weren’t outright killed had been locked up. No one would be out on the bridge in a storm, no one would tempt fate as much. No one but a desperate Princess. Racing across the corridor her boots made little noise due to the fact that they were designed to be flexible for riding and running. Melyssanthi flung herself at the door to the bridge and opened it just as a loud crack of thunder sounded reverberating in the Stone Drum. The bridge was slick and as Melyssanthi moved forward she was soaked to the skin, flinching as the night flashed and the rain lashed in a stinging angry torrent. Making it across the bridge she flung open the door to the dungeons. “By the Mother! Were you trying to frighten me to death?!” The voice called out as Melyssanthi practically fell into the room. [color=#9400D3]“That would have been by far too convenient.”[/color] Melyssanthi snarked before she thought better of it. The voice came from a young man perhaps a few years older than herself. Thankfully her near drowning meant that she didn’t resemble herself as much as she normally did. But now that she was here she had no idea how to get the keys from him or if there was even anyone to release as a distraction. She opened her mouth to order him to give her the keys and for him to leave as the door opened again. In stepped a tall woman who reached around the Princess and a blade flashed followed by the sound of a soft gurgle from the man.[color=#DA70D6] “I assume you want the keys he has, cousin. Apologies Garrik. Wrong place, wrong time.”[/color] The blade was pulled out and the woman stepped around Melyssanthi. [color=#9400D3]“Who… how…?”[/color] Pheynix watched the Princess gape and for once looked out of pocket. Smirking Pheynix pulled off her hood and pulled down her veil. [color=#DA70D6]“You know sneaking just is not your thing Melys.”[/color] Pheynix gathered up the keys that Melyssanthi had been looking for. She didn’t like that she had to kill the man. He was just following orders.[color=#DA70D6] “Let us get this done.”[/color] Pheynix moved past the now dead Garrik pulling her hood back up and pulling her veil back into place. Twirling the keys Pheynix heard Melyssanthi huff and hop over the body softly. Quickly the two women made their way down to where the guards and nobles that were loyal to Aneys were being held. [color=#DEB887]“Princess?”[/color] The question warbled and seemed to hang in the air; like a soap bubble floating in the air. Both of the women looked over at the guard that was in the cell.[color=#DEB887] “What are you doing here?”[/color] [color=#DA70D6]“Prison break so that the royal family can get out.”[/color] Pheynix stated as she unlocked doors and people filed out.[color=#DA70D6] “Go cause chaos.”[/color]