[color=0054a6]Varya Chandrar[/color] Varya looked to Veronica, who is clearly livid with his choice to stand by Cedar. As intimidating as she was, Varya hand to stand his ground for the sake of Cedar's freedom. [color=0054a6]"Lady Veronica, I understand that was Cedar is doing on the surface is suicidal madness, but his heart is filled with a strong desire to save the bear, who is dear to him. If he does not go as far as he can to attain this goal, his will will be broken and he will not be of much use to the King or anyone else. To have his heart broken would be a fate worse than death. He is not doing this out of a sense of a sense of selfishness, but to save another. If someone you cared about was in a similar position, wouldn't you risk life and limb to save them?"[/color] He then turned his attention to Solomon. [color=0054a6]"And what of you Sir Solomon? Is your heart not moved by Cedar's sacrifice?"[/color] Varya was desperate to make his case to the others, knowing he could not stop them if they were adamant. Truth be told he didn't [i]want[/i] Cedar to do this, but convincing him in such a delirious state would be even more difficult. Freedom was the right of all sentient life, and he knew if he was in Cedar's position he would not tolerate having his heart's desire denied.