[b]Pink![/b] [quote]Dear Fiona Then this is a White thing[/quote] The speech cuts off as the phone reboots itself partway through reading the message, Pink interrupting herself with another shutdown. One more five second blip. This time the login jingle was the sound of evening bells. [quote]Alright fine.[/quote] [b]Yellow![/b] Yellow: Isn't that just the whole problem, though? ◠‿◠✿ Yellow: People want things they shouldn't want. Things that their rational mind has to bargain them down from. Yellow: Compromising with reality. Leaving regrets on the table. Taking a deep sigh and choosing the moral, socially acceptable response yet again. Yellow: They say, 'don't let your dreams be dreams!', but only so long as your dream is something like 'two weeks on a cruise ship' or 'a job that doesn't make you crave a skip dialogue button' Yellow: And so even now, so close to the source, you can't say it. Yellow: You need me to say it for you. Because you still feel like even [i]saying [/i]it makes you a bad person. Yellow: And you're right. Saying it does make you a bad person. Acting on it [i]will [/i]have the consequences you're dreading. Those inhibitions? They're [i]valid[/i]. Yellow: So let's start with that. Yellow: The first step in going apeshit is telling me directly what you actually, really want. The thing you want so badly that proposing marriage is the watered down compromise. [b]Cyan and Red![/b] "Alright," said Red. "Give me a sec, I need to make a phone call." She glanced at Cyan's outraged text message. Thought. There were a couple of options that occurred to her, but one she really wanted to avoid. Digitally seizing control was the most direct but she always hated doing that. It exposed her methodology, locked her into a fight with system administrators and made people stop trusting the technology she might otherwise use to manipulate them. She'd walk a long way down the street to avoid playing that card, no matter what Fiona thought about it. While she was brooding over alternatives, though, Cyan was already talking. "Understood station, I'll get I.T. to find out what's going on. Get packed and stand by, over and out," she snapped. And then even as Red started getting ready to make the hack, Cyan was waving her off. "We don't need to [i]actually [/i]fix the trains, idiot," she said. "I just need to wait five minutes, call them back, and scream at them for fucking around with the admin permissions. God, you're supposed to be crisis management but you think like such a fucking [i]engineer[/i]."