[quote=Imperfectionist] Phew, that's a good bit of lore ( and kudos for including a few Ivalice races among the more traditional fantasy fare, I always love seeing them around). Is the magic system perhaps somewhat similar to Mage: the Ascension?I seem to remember that it's all about true will-working in that game, but I'm fuzzy on the details... Anyway, maybe you aren't finished fleshing out the magic system, but some small explanation of its limits for the average character might be useful in the interim. Will PC Spirits really be as powerful as all that? Is a human mage doomed to mediocrity compared to an Elf or Faerie? If magic is so powerful and ubiquitous, why do the physical races still have importance in battle? Wouldn't a single powerful mage be able to defeat/kill scores of experienced Ronso or Bangaa warriors at once? [/quote] Thanks, love the most of the final fantasy races, was thinking of adding the rest in for the hell of it later. I'm still fleshing out my magical description section. but i'll explain it pretty briefly here. The reason the melee/physical races still have aa great importance is that the more powerful a spell, the more it takes out of a mage. One that could wipe a whole battlefield would either take the mages life, or sever his ties with magic for the rest of his life. Unless s/he consorted with other mages and spread the load evenly. You have to remember incantations aswell, Which I seem to have forgot to put in my "spells/techniques" section. But the more powerful a spell, the longer it incantation need me, and to shorten the incantation the mage can give sacrifice more or their mind/body/soul in its stead. Rudimentary spells the incantation could be as short and simple as a sentence. But those such spells would need to be used several times over to down a veteran warrior, who may even use magic of his/her own to empower their body/weapon to be able to cleave down a mage in a single blow. As for racial equality, I would follow the standard, while mages will be "better" at magic, they will be more specialized, same with faeries. Though faeries would less likely be combat magic, and more fun/trickster magic. While a human could potentially be "masters" at three elements in the same time an elf reaches "grand mastery" in one, we'll go with humans will pick up things more quickly while the more specialized races will dote out more daunting abilities quicker. And obviously we wont have spirits that can collapse mountains with just a look running around for player characters, though maybe we'll fight one. Also never played mage:the ascension, so I wouldn't know