[b]The First Lotus ~Seaside Village~[/b] I shake my head and release her arms, "Your umbra is different. Zaakilo's is parasitic, growing on him like a fungus and fungi have been known to control their hosts. Yours is more symbiotic, like a plant." I glance back at Galen's corpse. There's something we're missing. "I'm going to try something. Both of you please be as still as possible. " I walk to the head of the stone slab and stare resolutely down at the empty vessel of Reality's Conciousness. I sink my hands down into his dark hair, close my eyes, and brace myself. I breathe in. I breathe out. Creation breathes with me. Attuning to me. My command. My eyes snap back open, glowing golden, the light spilling from them like sunbeams. "Where is Galen Kard?"I ask in the voice of Creation. My word is command and all of creation rushes to heed it. To find what I seek. Creation becomes anxious. I can feel it in the heaviness of the air. In the slight tremble of the ground. It wants to please me and answer this question by its Mistress, but it's confused. Because Galen is reality and reality is everywhere, intact. I have to be more specific. I direct it to what fills the shell in front of me. I can't give it parameters of Galen. That information is lost to me because of the blackout. I can't access it from the Current. So I specify by memories. The ones he created with the Current Lotus. These moments burn like solar flares flashing bright. No barrier could block them from my mind. Hands holding, mouths tasting, bodies pressed together. Words only he could say. Hearts beating for each other. A meadow just for her. Sunsets. Daybreaks. His infinite eyes. Her wings. An eternity of waiting. An eternity of memories. An overwhelming weight of one feeling. I fight to swallow down a whimper, as the heat of their passion courses through me. It's a blazing supernova. It's absolutely ridiculous that it should effect me so; but creation sighs around me because it understands. Love. It understands the language of their love. The all consuming lightning love of Lexianna and Galen Kard. I break the connection, falling to my knees on the floor. "If he's within the Universe's Reach he will be found." I choke out. I keep my eyes downcast needing a moment to myself.