[color=00a651][center][h3]Agar[/h3][/center] [center][h3]// Have we gone too deep? >> that's a weird dog //[/h3][/center][/color] The rabbit ran from its hiding place like he expected it to do a momentary movement from the large bird above then the large snub nose alligator made its move. With the speed of an ambush predator it intercepted the rabbit with a snarl. The beast thrashed its prey in its maw while the small group ahead of him seemed to scamper off further into the brush. The way the creature swallowed the poor bunny reminded him of some sort of nature documentary he saw about comodo dragons with his kids. The memory and emotions were quickly squashed and pushed aside while he continued to watch the beast slam itself down to quiet the quivering in its maw. This beast was fast maybe poor stamina though with it being a reptile in a cold place would explain the ambush tactics but he didn’t have the time to continue his train of thought he just had to find a different patch to search then. For a moment he looked back up to the bird in the tree shifting himself just slightly enough that it would see him. Locking eyes with the bird for a moment in silent acknowledgement of each other then back to the weird gator. It was further away from the tree but he knew time wasn’t on his side and he did not wish to get stuck out here in the dark. Attacking the thing was an option but not a very good one in his opinion. Instead he chose to use his new [b][u]Muffle I[/u][/b] skill to harvest the [u]Red Cream mushrooms[/u]. Once he had picked them Agar decided that he was a bit more eager to explore then tempt unnecessarily dangerous situations and continue his search for the turtle shell mushrooms in another portion of the forest. Moving with the same carful steps and movement as he has done to get to this location, the runt back tracked for a few steps then headed into another portion of the deep forest. [hr] [@Zeroth] [hider=stats and things] << [u]Current Quest:[/u] Fulfill Duties within the Tribe (0/2 Minimum) [u]Tribe Tasks:[/u] find turtle shell mushroom x5 [u]Inventory:[/u] loincloth, sharp rock, Wooden Spear, Hide pouch, sharp Tatzelwurm claw, Tatzel Venom Gland x1, Harpy Screech Valve x1, Harpy Talon x1, cooked/partially cooked Harpy Meat, 7 lbs, Powdered Weak Tatzel Venom x1 [u]Skills:[/u] Ingestion, Field Scan II, Blunt Resistance I, Muffle I, [u]Location:[/u] heading back out into the forest > strange creatures and dark forests [u]Inventory used (for current post):[/u] [/hider]