[quote=@Session] *Puckers my lips* Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you. [/quote] Just warn me if he's about to knock me out of the air like that again. *Places my hands against the walls of the cavern, crumbling and pulling toward me at my touch* [quote=@Nemeses] *Holds my hands out to my side and starts spraying a luminescent energy that behaves like water spraying from a hose out of either palm, lighting my immediate space and raining down violently explosive rain below in a downpour of droplets that annihilate everything they touch on impact with deafening detonations* [/quote] Lesser Golem's Touch! *Spindles of the stage's metal weave around the destructive beads like streams of water and stop on either side of you; they morph into enormous fists that slam together with you at the center*