[center][h1][b]Peter[/b][/h1][b]Time:[/b] Night [b]Location:[/b] Damien Estate Ballroom [b]Interaction(s):[/b] [s]Persephone[/s] Olivia [@Potter][/center] Even though she tried to hide it as best as she could, Peter got the sense Olivia was nervous as f**k. Might’ve been the way she clamped down on his hand hard enough to cut off circulation at the sight of C-Bert. Or how her big, anxious eyes peered up at him when asked, [color=lightpink]“Do you think he’ll recognize me?”[/color] Or heck, maybe it was the way she herded Peter around the room, giving C-Bert a wider berth than a country mile, her gaze darting back to keep tabs on his location every few seconds. That kind of attention could make a fella a wee bit jealous. Peter eased Olivia’s chin his way till she was looking at him instead of C-Bert. He leaned in close, his lips just barely grazing her ear. “Keep avoiding him like that and he will,” he murmured. “You’ve gotta relax. He can smell fear. Only way to fool that nose is with brass.” As Peter straightened, he slid a steady hand around the dip of Olivia’s waist and gave what he hoped was a reassuring squeeze. A fat lot of good that did. She was still coiled tight as a spring. He couldn’t really blame her, what with the gaggle of puffed-up nobles strutting about like they’re the cock of the walk. Their chatter was as shallow as their purses were deep, a relentless joust of who could piss higher up the wall. Flaunting baubles as if those alone proved their worth as people. The garish light glinted off accessories cast mischievous sparks in Peter’s eyes. Then a grin sliced across his face as an idea brewed. He turned to Olivia. “Hey, watch this.” Guiding Olivia through the sea of peacocks, Peter slipped into his own kind of dance as he relieved unsuspecting nobles of their fineries. He didn’t stop there, though. Oh no, he mixed it up, planting pilfered items on the wrong noble, or sneaking them back to their owners—but never where they expected. Was he showing off? Damn right. All to steal a smile from Olivia, push away her worries, and maybe even snatch a bit of admiration. [hider=TL;DR]Peter showed off his sleight of hand skills by pickpocketing guests and returning the items back to them, or swapping it onto another guest. [@Potter][/hider]