[center][h2]Enter Grady (Katya Voss cont.)[/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MGKoxBY.jpg[/img][/center] The sound of steel scraping cement pealed from the back room, training the eyes and ears of Katya and Dorian on the entrance of a slightly ajar, wooden door squeaking on barrel hinges. The white knuckles of a large hand pulled the door open to reveal a man dressed in a striped button down shirt, suspenders, brown slacks, and an askew emerald green bow tie, complemented by a bushy red mustache beneath chiseled blue eyes. As he stepped into the bar proper, those eyes were focused on Katya, finger pointing as he approached at an even pace. "You did good, sis," an errant hand smoothed the long hair at his crown against the shaved sides of his head. "Those boys won't be back 'til morning," his approach halted as he palmed a fifth of vodka, unscrewing the cap, "and I've got a plan." The bottle upended into his lips as his eyes landed on the stranger sitting at the bar. Exhaling, he asked Katya with a glance, "And who's this?" a free hand rested on his belt buckle, replete with a Ruger Wrangler replica hanging at his side. The stranger had a face that was hard to read, but something about his eyes unsettled Grady. Katya on the other hand, looked primed and ready to give another lecture a-la-padre. He lifted the bottle to his lips again to numb the overture.