[color=6ecff6][h2]❄Erika Olson❄[/h2][/color] [hider=Pokemon] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/d/d5/Spr_5b_478.png[/img] Sno, Froslass ♀ Level 19 Status: [color=fff200]Winded[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/c/cc/Spr_5b_345.png[/img] Eep, Lileep ♂ Level 15 Status: [color=f7941d]Tired[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/f/f1/Spr_5b_333.png[/img] Tara, Swablu ♀ Level 15 Status: [color=f7941d]Tired[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/24/Spr_5b_256_m.png[/img] Chic, Combusken ♀ Level 18 Status: [color=8dc73f]Warmed Up[/color] [img]https://cdn2.bulbagarden.net/upload/a/a1/Spr_5b_443_m.png[/img] Gibs, Gible ♂ Level 18 Status: [color=f7941d]Tired[/color] [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.2095125c07a8e145ba315ff111c6c050?rik=e%2fhOJ0IZbF3xOA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg4.wikia.nocookie.net%2f__cb20140103174008%2fpokeminds%2fes%2fimages%2f1%2f18%2fInkay_XY.gif&ehk=X2JfTJheaaKOfXJrhvqjBxDDGT6CJQe4XJXh9x9B2f0%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img] Kay, Inkay ♀ Level 16 Status: [color=f7941d]Tired[/color] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [color=007236][b]Treetop Badge[/b][/color] 12 Potion 14 Pokeballs 3 Repels 5 Great Balls 4 Antidote 4 Paralysis Heal 1 Escape Rope 3 Tanga Berries 2 Spelon Berries 3 Chesto Berries A Swanna Pail 1 Bug Gem 1 Jaw Fossil 1 Guide to Mt. Strength [b]TM-22[/b] Solar Beam [b]TM-66[/b] Payback 12658P [/hider][hr][hr] They made good time through Route 12. Erika couldn't help but giggle at Joshua's antics with Eevee. Sno was less than impressed at his antics, however, and gave him a glare. Even though Erika did the same with Gibs. For now, Erika was fine with her team as they were quite diverse but she did consider an Eevee. She did not have a Fairy type and Eevee was versatile but she wasn't sure how to encourage a Sylveon evolution. Then again a Glaceon would be fitting for her. Oh but then there was the appeal of having a pure Grass or Dark type... Maybe she'd know if she came back through. Moving on, Route 13 was something that Erika had not known about despite being from here. She probably heard it growing up but this was the first time she was seeing it firsthand. It was so wild to see the perpetual night caused by the environment. The stars shined overhead only interrupted by the stalking dark clouds that would send a bolt of lightning down. It was like the sun decided this area would never see its direct rays but instead only the deflection of those rays from the moon. Erika thought it might have been desolate but the grass here seemed hardy as she stepped over it. It had to be given that the lightning that struck the ground frequently and a true grassland would be burned down easily. Yet off in the distance, Erika could see one of the dark clouds drizzle rain across the plain, rewarding and likely strengthening the grass to prevent it from going up in flames. If Erika were a betting trainer, she'd guess that maybe a legendary Pokemon might have made this place dark for Pokemon who prefer it, but she couldn't figure out which one. Oh well, as the group moved through a little more sluggish than Route 12, Erika took the opportunity to have a few battles with Gibs, Tara, and Eep. Gibs and Eep were used against Electric types and Tara against Normal or Flying types until they grew [color=f7941d]Tired[/color], being returned to their Pokeballs. Erika and the group continued the last leg until they arrived finally at their destination. Worldedge City! First stop in the Information District was the PokeCenter where Erika would heal up her team. The others would likely too and then it was off to the entertainment area to eat! [hider=Basically...] So after training, PokeCenter will refill all health to [color=00a651]Fresh[/color] which I will apply in my next post. They will take an Abra teleport to the Entertainment District. [color=ed1c24]-350P[/color] will be applied to next post. Feel free to sum up their meal! Erika is buying, too! Maybe end with the bill being paid and they are starting their plans. I'm thinking Erika says she wants to see Worldedge a little bit but if anyone wants to head [b]WEST[/b] again with her, she will give them a message when she is heading out! (Unless Claire catches up and then Erika could team up with Claire on her thing!)[/hider]