... so that's a lot to unpack right there. [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] Duskmallow Pie <--> Your skin becomes hot pink in direct sun light. [/quote] Wow, the Feywild really has it out for Brutrumukk's dignity today, don't they? First they turn him into a gnome, now they tell him his skin is going to turn pink in direct sunlight. On top of that, the only clothes they have for him are a jester costume. Guy can't catch a break. [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] Mug of Bumblebeer <--> Even the smallest explosion looks like a nuclear detonation to you. [/quote] Considering what we just learned about darklings, that's... concerning. [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] Jester Costume <--> Your blood is now alabaster white. [/quote] The most terrifying thing about this is that it made me realise I don't actually know what colour goblin blood normally is. I've been [i]assuming[/i] it's red, but now I think about it, maybe it isn't. [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] Herbs <--> The color of your eyes. [/quote] I'm curious about what this actually means. Does this mean his eyes are going to turn monochrome? Or is he going to lose his irises entirely? [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] Incense <--> On a full moon you think and act like you have transformed into a lycanthrope but in fact don’t. [/quote] This sounds absolutely hilarious actually, I'm on board. [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] Charcoal <--> You lose your most treasured memory. [/quote] *sighs* Feywild, why you like this? [quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] Brass Brazier <--> Your firstborn shall carve out a great destiny but will be taken from you at the moment of its birth, either through the fey arriving and taking it or its mortal body arriving as a still birth and it's soul being born into the fey wild. [/quote] ... ...... ........ Jub is staring at these two darklings right now. He was [i]never[/i] planning on having kids. He is so fucking confused.