[@Zeroth] [@The World] [color=39b54a][b] [h1] [center] Xiaolong Wu [/center][/h1][/b][/color] Satoshi smiled when he noticed the girl trying to attack him. “[color=39b54a]Good effort, but it needs more work.[/color]” And with that, he moved out of the way with inhuman speed. Countering the attack by kicking Miyuki in the stomach. “You can do nothing to stop the incoming rapture. None of you can stop it.” Sending more cultists to come over to try and attack Miyuki. One of the cultists was welding a large bike chain, while the other was holding a baseball bat. Both men started raising their weapons trying to attack her. Xavier meanwhile made sure that the girl was doing okay. “[color=39b54a]You don’t look too injured, but I’m glad you're doing okay. Are you still able to fight?[/color]” The large man smiled before turning his attention towards the Cyclop coming towards them. “[color=39b54a]JACK OVER HERE!!![/color]” He commanded Jack to quickly make his way towards them. The little snowman quickly glided over beside Xavier. “[color=39b54a]It looks like you need to chill out.[/color]” He smirked while Jack shot a long freezing beam at the Cyclop’s club. Quickly freezing it in place. And before the club could slam into them Xavier jumped up to break the club into tiny shards. He landed on its shoulder before kicking it in the head as hard as he could. It stumbled and unknown to it that its feet were frozen thanks to Jack. This combination caused the demon to fall over making the earth shake. His attention now turns towards Satoshi. By this point, the politician did not seem unfazed by what had happened. Satoshi ran over toward Mikyuki trying to slash her with a hidden knife that was in his robes. Not noticing the attack behind him, he was sent flying foward. Groaning in pain and tried to get back up. The Virtue meanwhile was struggling to fight but was slowly gaining focus. She turned her attention to the girl and went in for another attack.