[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231116/b356da26fceccb813bae2fee371a5a98.png[/img][/center] addressing:Bianca, Soldiers[@Hero][hr] Chaos whirled around Justinian like a raging river. The people, the soldiers, the gunfire, the screaming. It was all too much and too familiar, and just like all those years ago, he was just too helpless to actually help anyone. He tried to get to the others, but through enhanced senses, he could see the two soldiers shoving the guest to the ground before taking steady aim. It was only as he rammed his fist into the gut of one solider that he realized they were doing it on purpose, grabbing hostages in order to keep him in place. They were trying to capture him, and of course they'd do research on how he ticked and what tactics would work to keep him pinned down. As infuriated as it made him, he respected the tactic. As the first soldier dropped to their knees, the other slammed the butt of their rifle into the armored Scion's, followed by a swift backhand in an attempt to knock him to the ground. He felt the blow, even if his armor cushioned the worst of it, but he managed to keep on his feet. Rather than attempt a spell, however, Justinian would lash out with another punch, amber mana converging through his armored fist at the moment of impact before bursting forth with the force of a shotgun. The soldier's breath left them as they were sent flying, leaving the Scion a moment to catch his breath. [color=darkorange]"You... you should go now... quickly."[/color] He motions for the two hostages, a noblewoman and her son, to make haste towards an exit the furthest away from the source of the chaos. Their hushed whispers of thanks and panicked footsteps were lost in the din of noises and senses that assaulted Justinin's mind. He'd lost the other Scions in the confusion and couldn't tell anyone from anyone in this mess, and trying to discern it was giving him an awful headache. It was all he could do to identify his assailants and keep them away. Has anyone been taken? Had anyone been hurt?  Why. . . Why couldn't he do anything about it? Justinian's teeth grind in frustration as he grips his head, his breath growing heavier and haggard. Haunting sounds of cracking wood and clattering jaws rang in his head. He wasn't even aware of Bianca's approach until she was right in front of him, her voice snapping him out of his head. For a moment, he welcomed the distraction. But as he actually processed what she had said, his anger and irritation bubbled up to the surface again. [color=darkorange]"I know how to use the Incepta's gift, Bianca. And people are panicking, no matter what I do. Everyone is panicking, running, and screaming, and I'm just trying to do something to help!!"[/color] This wasn't the time for arguing, but Justinian just couldn't let it go. He clung to his anger like a drowning man to driftwood, a singular place of stability where he could focus his thoughts. [color=darkorange]"What would you have me do? Hide behind you, and just wait until this all blows over! Safe, protected, and docile while someone I could have helped and that I can [i]save[/i] is gone. Vanishing into thin-fucking-air while I have to wait in my room to hear that they're dead a month later!"[/color]  Justinian wasn't even looking at Bianca by this point, turning to scan the surroundings as best as he could through the tumult. Tyring to find the bigger gathering of solider's, attmepting to deduce a way to scatter them. People were starting to thin out of the room by now, which meant he could actually start flexing his power a bit more. He wasn't letting anyone else be taken by these bastards. [color=darkorange]"So unless you wish to help me help the others, get out of my wa-"[/color]  First was the high-pitched tone that set his hair on edge as the air within the building seemed to ripple and bend. Then came an almost electric shock of energy as the mana in his own body turned on him, stopping the Scion mid-sentence as the power he had relied on since he was a child turned on him. He could feel the rock and marble that made up his armor harden against his wishes, restricting his breath and movements. Any attempt to move was met with resilient unmoving stone, the vague awareness of his surroundings his vibrosense brought him was completely cut off. He was left in total darkness, with hardly any breath in his lungs and barely could hear what was going on around him. He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry and cruse and yell and a million other things that sprung to mind as the gift which had protected him and saved him more than anything else in his life turned against him. Just like his nightmares, he was stuck. Alone in darkness, trapped and waiting for either death or salvation but with no agency of his own to do anything about it. His powers refused to answer him; his head was dazed and aching from the lack of air, and now the very person he had just told off was who he needed to turn to for salvation if he didn't want to suffocate in this self-made tomb. Frustration, Anger, and shame roiled within his chest as he tried to slow his breathing as best as he could, but it was all too much. Emotion flowed out of him in a rush as he put every last bit of his remaining breathe into a single scream [color=darkorange]"GODDESS!FUCKING!DAMMIT![/color] He didn't know if the tears in his eyes were from the grit of the rock and dust irritating his eyes, the lack of air, or the sheer pain of humiliation that his current state filled him with, and at this moment he didn't care.