[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FaCzAxe.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/FePJtcZ.png[/img][/center] [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Edict [@AtomicEmperor], Lyss [@Skai] [code]Municipal Library [/code][/right][hr] [color=CD5C5C]”Oh don’t worry, I will.”[/color] Linqian resisted rolling her eyes at Greyson when he listed off things he’d already told her not that long ago. Yeah, she’d give him a call (what was wrong with a text) and yeah, Pink and Violet. They weren’t difficult names to remember. She wasn’t that stupid. But he was paying her, so she could put up with it just about. Pretend it was like her bar job. Customer service resting bitch face. Once his back was turned, though, she couldn’t resist and rolled her eyes at his disappearing figure. Then she turned back to Lyss. She'd love to stick around and chat to her more, but she had to go earn that cash that Greyson had paid her. [color=CD5C5C]"I better get going… If you come along, now or after seeing Auri, drinks are on me."[/color] Well, Greyson technically, but nobody needed to know that. Whether Lyss agreed to come right then or was going to talk to Auri first, Linqian didn’t stick around to find out. She spun on her heel and power walked towards where she’d parked her car - a good five minute walk away, closer to her workplace than Auri’s. It was an absolute piece of garbage, bought about six years ago for dirty cheap second hand. The thing was at the end of its life and Linqian should’ve replaced it ages ago… But she couldn’t afford that. And it still worked as much as she needed it to, just with a few fun extras. She shoved her car key in the lock, swearing under her breath as it got jammed [i]again[/i], before finally getting in. Time to go have some much needed drink on someone else's dime. [hr][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Leon [@AtomicEmperor], Sycamore Tree Members [code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot [/code][/right][hr] Linqian tapped her fingers against the steering wheel to the chinese rock music she had blaring in her car as she pulled into the Veni Vedi Veni parking lot. She was thinking about all the strippers she was going to pay - a deserved rest while trying to get information, in her mind. Nothing took your mind off your brother’s death like a nak- Holy shit. Linqian slammed on her brakes and flung the steering wheel to the right, narrowly avoiding being actually trampled by a goldilocks-esque werewolf that had flown through the air and ran right towards her car. The tires screeched against the ground, uneven from taking a few beatings, as she spun to the side. The side of her car slammed into the trunk of another and ground to a halt. There was a dent in the side of her car and the car she’d slammed into, but it didn’t seem that damaging. It hadn’t hit anything important. That could’ve been bad- her car wasn’t starting. Her car wasn’t fucking starting. What the fuck. Linqian tried the fuse again, hearing it straining to turn on before completely going out. That was it. Her car, which had survived this many years, was taken out by a fucking werewolf. Typical. Without even looking at what was going on Linqian jumped out of her car, yelling after unknown, strangely blond wolf creature. Frost coated the door handle she was still holding, her body visibly paling as her temperature dropped. [color=CD5C5C]"What the fuck, you furry piece of shit, you wrecked my fucking car, I swear to god, I'm going to-"[/color] Linqian abruptly stopped her angry tirade when she noticed the wall of shields, aggressive looking bikers and dead child on the floor. Shit. This wasn't the scene she'd expected to turn up to. She internally apologised to Greyson for all the cash he'd given her for some juicy information she wasn't going to be getting cause it looked like going into the stripclub was off the table, being shot was on it. Though perhaps he'd like to know about that too. Yeah, sure, what was possibly an all out faction fight would probably be useful information. Linqian brought up her body temperature again to just slightly below normal, to offset the strange warmth in the air, and quickly jogged away from her car to the safety of Stormy’s shields and the rest of the group. Eve was calling up shades all over, Stormy looked ready to kill and there was a werewolf trying to flee with Alizee in its hands. [color=CD5C5C]”What the fuck is going on?”[/color] Linqian asked no one in particular, though Britney was probably closest to her. She began to lower the air temperature around her to combat the warm one that was really beginning to irritate her, even with her own body temperature lowered. She narrowed her eyes at their presumed attackers - the weird bikers with the guns. Yeah, no. She couldn’t take on a gun. Even so, she began to lower her body temperature again to levels that would hurt anyone that touched her. [color=CD5C5C]”We fighting already?”[/color] [hr][center][h1]Bianca Manalo[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/H0PZlqQ.png[/img][/center] [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Agent Phillips [@Punished GN], Stormy [@Blizz] [code]Veni Vedi Veni Parking Lot[/code][/right][hr] It took everything in Bianca not to facepalm, because holy shit. Eve was a master at taking what she said and twisting it into whatever she wanted to hear. As if she was in a position to order Bianca around just because of presumed physical superiority. Bianca's face paled as Eve's wall dropped and she witnessed Clancy crumpling to the ground. Shit. She shouldn't - couldn't - just get directly involved, but she could at least help. She quickly surveyed the Sycamore Tree members there. Who did she trust the most? More importantly, who would keep everyone from dying before the rest of the PRA arrived? With a soft murmur under her breath in Filipino, and a flick of her wrist, Bianca's rope bracelet glowed a faint orange. She targeted Stormy with her boost spell - he'd feel an increase in his abstraction's strength wash over him. His shields would be stronger, more resistant to damage and he could make more of them. Any other spells he cast would be stronger too. Half concentrating on keeping up the spell, she pulled out her phone quickly. There was enough people between her and the Wolfpack, along with a whole wall of shields, that she [i]should[/i] be safe. She was still crouched in the ground too, so a more hidden target. She quickly skimmed the messages she'd missed, frowning. It would’ve been nice if she’d been able to not engage, but she hadn’t exactly had a choice when Eve had attacked her. Shit. She’d better reply before she got attacked again. She kept her messages short and to the point, prioritising speed over everything else. She was, after all, at risk of getting shot or attacked again and had to pay attention to that, while keeping up her boosting spell. [center][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/237XKfJ.png[/img][hr][/center] As soon as she was done Bianca shoved her phone back in her pocket, concentrating on keeping up her spell. She muttered under her breath again, layering another one on top - increasing the range of Stormy’s abstraction too, so he could make shields further out. It was a bit more taxing on her, having already taken a hit, but not bad enough she couldn’t do it while carefully observing what was going on. Still, she hoped Agent Phillips and the other agents on call turned up soon.