[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]??? — Razed Town[/h3][/center] [i]Ywain.[/i] A man she'd never met, whose face she wouldn't even recognize. Anne knew intimately the nature of war, the inevitability of what had happened here, but even so she had to glance away before Alvin caught the flicker of grief in her eyes. After all she'd seen and all she'd done, it still hurt every time. One more innocent man she hadn't been able to save, one more failure on a list that already stretched billions long. "I understand." She matched the volume of Kendrick's voice as she met his eyes again. "He needs time. You should talk with him, though, once things here are—" The Knight whipped around so fast it looked like she'd teleported. Someone had just appeared behind her, manifesting in the room without any sign of their approach. An assassin, concealing their presence with a cloaking field? She was already in a fighting stance, prepared to break their limbs in three places before they could manage a single strike. Except it wasn't some killer Herald. Only a confused and frightened villager, freshly warped into the lodge by Rayne's helpful magic. Anne, of course, had no knowledge of this power, and could only blink in surprise while still frozen in her fighting posture. "...Ah." She awkwardly straightened up and shuffled back a step, a sudden flush coloring her cheeks. "Sorry. I thought you were... My bad." Her insides were already cramping up from the sudden movement, and she realized all of a sudden just how tired she really felt. Kendrick was right: she couldn't take care of anyone if she was still this badly on edge. She quickly excused herself to the huntsman, and sought out somewhere quiet she could sit and rest. Preferably with a clear view of Millie, so she could keep one eye on the girl while Joker looked after Alvin. This time may have been a false alarm, but she wouldn't put it past that Herald commander to send in a group of kidnappers while everyone's guard was down.