[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/or6k99r.png[/img][h1]Élodie Vasil.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Alizée ([@Estylwen]), and Sully ([@Atrophy]).[/right][right][b][code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] Elodie screamed when the phantasm hand broke [i]hers,[/i] and her pistol fell to the ground. She should have just killed the fat bastard when she had the chance... she held her hand, which she couldn't [i]feel[/i]. She quickly looked to the left and then the right: she saw that fucking bitch with the white hair again. Elodie's gun was on the ground, and there was no way she could shoot it with her nondominant hand. She grit her teeth and hissed in pain as fatass made some [i]quip[/i] when he had signed his fucking death warrant. She shouted at Alizée, [b][i]"... You should have gone for the fucking head!"[/i][/b] With a wave of her hand (Well, the one that worked), she launched Sully with a blast of sand like any rational person would do to their hostage. Then she turned towards Alizée and shouted, [h3][b][i]"... I'm gonna bury you alive, and then I'm gonna fuck your corpse!"[/i][/b][/h3] She pulled all the sand in the area - including the sand she used to terrorize Stormy - and dropped it all on Alizée. It was a massive and daunting [i]mountain[/i] of sand that was all coming at her at once with crushing force. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OKGd0x2.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/vrZLVRb.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/jwQgcyG.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/RvwZ41R.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/HNTW8VK.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/4d7aM7C.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/TktKfdO.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/GjFxKZh.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/W7DVR22.png[/img][h1]The Greenwood Coven, & Valjean Vasil.[/h1][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Linqian & Bianca ([@FernStone]), & Sully ([@Atrophy]). [/right][right][b][code]Veni Vedi Veni - Parking Lot.[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] [i]That's not going to hold him forever.[/i] Naomi thought to herself as she remembered Valjean breaking out of her webs. They were resistant to magic but, unfortunately, not immune (or many of their problems would be solved)... Linqian grabbed onto his foot, froze it, and then Naomi noticed that there was a fucking car barreling towards him from... wherever. Naomi acted quickly and shot out a strand of web, attached it to the girl's foot, and used [i]all[/i] the strength she could to get her out of the way. The car landed on him; he loudly screamed as he was slammed onto the ground. Naomi knew that wouldn't kill him, but it did a number! She could see his shell cracked, but he [i]finally[/i] burst out of the web. He got up, brushed the car off him, slammed his claws into it, and lifted it over his head. "You bitches are dead!" He shouted. A bolt of lightning came from the rooftop and hit him in the back - it was a blinding flash of light followed by a boom that many would call deafening. That [i]had[/i] to be James... and naturally, he lept down with a grin as he dramatically punched the ground on landing - creating a wave of fire. At this point, Jessica had finished with her spell and laughed, "Take this, you ugly motherfucker!" She sent a wave of lava at Valjean that clashed with James's fire. Utterly double penetrating him, smashing him from both sides... and he charged out of the clash, missing a claw and a regular arm, and half of his face burned off. He looked to the left and then to the right... Only to get blindsided by Ruby launching herself as Valjean like a missile, holding her staff in both hands as she let out a blood-curdling battle cry. She swung her staff at Valjean and created a wave of air so powerful that it launched Valjean backward and sent him stumbling over a car. He hit the ground with a thud. "James, why the fuck did you jump off?!" Ruby shouted. "Sorry, Rubes," James laughed as he threw his axe over his shoulder. "I had to make my entrance! Why the fuck did [i]you[/i] jump off?" "I'm tired of standing on a fucking rooftop, watching my friends get rag-dolled by some white trash!" She replied; she glanced at Alizee and hoped that Elodie had killed her ass. "So I made [i]my[/i] fucking entrance!" Valjean climbed to his feet and then looked around... and noticed Ruby's staff, James Axe, and he started compiling everything. "... You fuckers are-" A beam came out of the tip of the tree branch that Ruby used as a staff, a dull-yellow beam that hit Valjean directly in the face and launched more of his shell clean off with the sheer impact. [i]"Shut up!"[/i] Ruby looked around before she valiantly shouted, raising her hand in the air. [b][i]"WE GOTTA KILL EVERYONE!"[/i][/b] "... The fuck?" Naomi tilted her head at the order. "Everyone that's [i]Wolfpack![/i]" Ruby glanced at Eve, "Our little buddy is busy and doesn't have the brain cells to figure shit out anyway!" "Easier said than done!" Naomi answered. At this point, Kashmira finished healing Pearl and Autumn, and both sprang to their feet. Bullets still barraged them, but fortunately, Pearl had an idea... Ruby pointed her staff at Sully, "Kash, help him!" "On it!" Kashmira activated her dermal boost and ran over to Sully as fast as she could - a bullet hit her in the back, and while it didn't penetrate, it was still one hell of an impact. One that knocked her on her hands and knees, but she [i]still[/i] tried to crawl over to Sully. "Autumn!" Pearl shouted. "Boost me!" "On it!" The spectral presence of the woman faded away, and seconds later, a new Apparition was revealed to everyone presence; [url=https://i.imgur.com/a6Dj8lN.jpg]a fading presence of a burly man[/url] that some would recognize as the second-in-command to Das Sonnenrad. The Apparition pointed his hand at Pearl and fired a beam of orange energy directly at her, which made her bones and veins glow through her [i]skin[/i]. Pearl felt the power as she raised her hands into the air... ... and then shouted, [h3][i]"From the breath of winter, my power unfold, let frozen tendrils, my will [b]uphold![/b]"[/i][/h3] The temperature dropped as Pearl's cyromancy countered Elodie's desert creation abstraction. The boiling hot heat quickly vanished, and the air temperature was finally bearable again. Snow and ice began gently falling from the sky. "Hehe," Jessica said to Bianca, "You might want to put those bazookas away, sister!" [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6P8qTaC.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/32sPLv7.png[/img] [/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Sloane ([@Atrophy]), Luca ([@FernStone]), Jack ([@Blizz]), and Kali ([@Damycles]). [/right][right][b][code]Dairy Queen[/code][/b][/right][hr][hr] It was all a blur. Everything Luca said, Jack said, and Kali said... it was all mumbling when Sloane dropped the golden question. The question that tanked everything good that Drake thought about her. [quote=Sloane][color=silver]“But why the [i]fuck[/i] weren’t you there to stop it?”[/color][/quote] It was a swift motion; Drake stood up with a crackling sword of electricity aimed directly at Sloane. His teeth were bared, and his sunglasses had finally fallen off. He said, in the calmest tone possible, [color=3874f4]"I can take you all accusing my fucking sister, I can take you all accusing me..."[/color] Drake hissed. [color=3874f4]"But, do not [b][i]ever[/i][/b] in your [i]fucking[/i] life say something like that again. You fucking hear me?"[/color]