[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/9VNc0PShCsBZTPLizLytdKicOWm18zBLbjSaekXYQmc/https/i.imgur.com/8FMvh2h.png?format=webp[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1177007458569424977/rumburak.png?ex=6570f09d&is=655e7b9d&hm=c11b4f1ccfb409d103f805b6d508371d626f69a375d515170c7c3f7453133268&=&format=webp[/img][/center][right][b]Interactions:[/b] Drake, Sloane, Kali and Luca [/right][right][b][code]DQ[/code][/b][/right][hr] So it wasn’t Victoria. Good. He left it at that, since Jack trusted Drake’s judgement. At least, he did until Drake suggested that they were all the killers themselves. And he noticed how uncomfortable the idea made Sloane felt. It was palpable. [color=6644ff]”That’s a dangerous thought process. If we start doubting each other, we’ll be too paranoid to save ourselves.”[/color] The unfortunate reality was that they all had a valid reason to doubt the innocence of the person next to them. But at what point did caution become hysteria? The best way to prevent that was to stop it before it started. Though, Jack was knowledgeable enough that he didn’t consider ruling that out entirely. But they wouldn’t survive if they banked ok that idea being [i]true.[/i] Greyson could weasel his way into their Emotional Fields easily. In a world where he wanted to do more sinister harm, they would have bigger problems right now. And then Sloane had to fuck it all up, by asking Drake a question that couldn’t be anymore tone deaf. Jack would’ve sympathized with that question if Sloane expressed any amount of grief over Jade’s murder- If it was obvious she was [i]hurt[/i] by it, because then it would be justified. But Jack didn’t suspect she felt anything for Jade. If she did, then Sloane did a good job at masking her emotions. And she did it a hell of a lot better than Drake, who had every vindication to pull that weapon of his out. Jack didn’t move an inch, not because he was afraid of Drake- Drake scared him about as much as a wet cat did- But because he was contemplating just how in hell he’d respond to this. Drake was pissed, and of course he was. Sloane just hit a nerve that no one should’ve hit, even after admitting she believed Drake was innocent. There was a federal agent sitting right next to them all. They were outside, and that sword was made of lightning. Calmly, Jack reached down and pocketed the sunglasses he dropped, before Drake stomped them by accident. [color=6644ff]”Why don’t you make a second lightning weapon so even [i]more[/i] people notice us, Blackmore?”[/color] There was no concern for being caught in his voice, but Jack was trying to make a point- They were in fucking public. In the dim light of the DQ patio, shadows clung to Drake’s shoulder in case he actually made a move. Unlike him, Jack was a bit more subtle in his use of magic. [color=6644ff]”Sloane… Do you find it amusing to ask stupid questions? This is [i]exactly[/i] how we die out: By burning bridges. What if Father Wolf wants us isolated and unwilling to see each other, knowing we’re easier to murder in private? Saying things like that does [i]not[/i] help any of us.”[/color]