[hr][hr][center][hider=Succession Studios - The Demand of Man][youtube]https://youtu.be/xJeBz3HxGsI?si=afdNHoAyyjNvMJGR[/youtube][/hider][/center][hr][hr] [center][h1][u]Alizée Altieri[/u][/h1][/center] [color=lightgray][i][u]Location: Veni Vedi Veni, Parking Lot[/u][/i][/color] [@Punished GN] [hr] [quote=A hysterical voice][h3][b][i]"... I'm gonna bury you alive, and then I'm gonna fuck your corpse!"[/i][/b][/h3][/quote] A tremble shuddered through her bones. She could [i]hear[/i] it. Sand scraping the wind. Granules upon granules, building. Surrounded by laughing, demonic faces, she stared up blindly. Slowly, a sliver gave way, as a looming shadow overtook her. Horror overtook her. Panic overtook her. A scream cut out as two massive phantom hands circled around Alizée, just as the mountain of sand came crushing down on her. Searing pain. The weight was immense. She could feel a terrible weight as sand piled on sand. She lay crumpled on the ground, gasping under her hands that weren't prepared for such an immense weight, only inches of space between her body and the voidly canopy, sand seeping in between the fingers. She sweated, a strangled, agonizing scream leaving her lips. The hands trembled, losing inches of space, threatening to give in to the mountain that wanted to crush her, body and soul. If her void hands had bones, they'd be fractured at the least, broken at the worst. Instead, this immense pressure translated to a searing, crushing pain that caused another strangled scream to echo across the sandy coffin - what may very well be her tomb. If she could see, it wouldn't account for much. It was dark. Pitch black in her sandy grave. Her phantom hands trembled under the exertion, the seconds ticking by like the lacerations from a whip. Her breath was shallow, pain causing her to gasp and hyperventilate. Dizziness overtook her mind, and she lost another inch off the roof of her coffin. Oxygen was suddenly in very, [i]very[/i] short supply. Her mind fluctuated between terror and pain, crying out again against the muffling, suffocating sand. It was a battle of wills on all sides. The crushing weight over her, the searing pain, and the haunting faces in her vision. She [i]really[/i] wouldn't last long like this. And Void knew this. That's why, as Alizée suffered in her sandy coffin, he approached the spiky haired lady from behind, voidly clawed hands raised like a haunter stalking its prey. And in one fell swoop, he tried to grab her torso and snap her spine with a iron grip. At the very least, snap all her ribs. Anything to get her to stop. Anything to save his pet. [color=#A299FD][b]”Struggle and die, vermin!”[/b][/color] He yelled as he attempted to crush her. He waited in earnest to hear the crack of her spine snapping.