[center][h2]Falkran[/h2][/center] [center][h3]The Singing Satyr Inn[/h3][/center] [center][@PaulHaynek][/center] As the Lizardman replied to her question about potential and prospective pay, Vanessa couldn't help but be smewhat amused at the other female's reaction. Had she not been expecting her flier to draw in those seeking pay for work? Why state that there'd be a reward then? Had she been hoping for some white knight, or holy maiden, or saint, to show up and extend a hand while on one knee, offer up their services and life in order to do a good deed? It was a quaint and charmingly naive belief, if true. Unfortunately, chances of getting someone like that was very, very low. Still, as this Iskah spoke, Vanessa's eyebrows and smile both lowered and faded a bit at the mention of moneyary compensation. It kept doing so when the prospect of helping her find a man of her own was brought up - as if [i]she'd[/i] need help with that. However, when the lizardman offered to partake in an experiment 'or something', the dark mage's smile grew very, very wide again, and her eyes lit up like the star-filled sky during the late hours of dusk. [color=lightblue]"Well, with an offer like that, how could I refuse?"[/color] She said, in a very seductive and suggestive tone of voice which was completely unbefitting the situation and/or bargain which had just been agreed upon. [color=lightblue]"You'll be helping me with an experiment, and in return, I'll help you recover this man of yours."[/color] As she said this, the attractive black-haired wwoman stood form her seat, rounded the table and positioned herself next to iskah. Extending a gloved hand toi shake the other's, Vanessa added. [color=lightblue]"I'm at your disposal, milady, please give your command."[/color] She put on a deeper voice than she normally had, and said it in a suave way, like one would expect some dude with the tile of 'Knight of Roses' or some similar flamboyant foppish title who were into philandering and womanizing to act and speak. But at least she wasn't getting down on one knee, grabbing Iskah's hand and trying to give it a smooch. Whetever the lizardwoman returned the handshake or not though, Vanessa would then return to her side of the table and grab her staff, clearly signalling that she'd prefer to get going rather than remain seated in this den of inquity. She also didn't seem too concerned about causing a further scene and moore fuss, ignoring the eyes of other patrons who might be giving her the side-eye. Or the lew-eye. Or the [s]brown-eye[/s]... Wait, no. Scratch that last one.