[quote=@Hound55] As I mentioned above, I'm accepting a few new "weird" characters (think down the vein of Doom Patrol or some of the more "out there" X-Men ideas). My next GM post will be intro-ing these characters, and I'll grab some excerpts off of people pertaining to their new characters for that post as well. I'll give you all until a few days after Christmas though. I'll also take a roll call and see who's still on board a bit after Christmas as well. I don't want to hammer people too hard or get into their business in the holiday stretch. And since it's 5:30pm Christmas eve here, and I'll likely be busy over the next 48 hours... a Merry Christmas to you all, and when I get started again AFTER Christmas, I'll be looking to build momentum with the rest of you once more. Hope you and your families are all well and merry. [/quote] I'm still around... I've just been preoccupied with my Switch. Bought it and a couple games with my one-time work holiday discount they gave us this year. Currently playing through Pokemon Violet but I've barely progressed the story because I keep running around and exploring the open map lol