oh oh - just wanted to send you all some love for the holiday if you celebrate and love even if you don't. be safe and be well~ SO THOUGHTS AND PLANS I GUESS- @Lady - I as Ogo fucking LOOOOOVE Lancer. What an absolute sweatheart. Mom friend is one of my favorite kinds of people. Kaori will probably not latch on as quickly as I have due to that whole independent streak, but by God, somebody help her. I'm sure she'll warm up to it though~ @Remram - Love the new name, and yes, I'm sure they'll get along swimmingly. Legit talk - I figure since they're both second-years and their thesis subjects both rely on obtaining and studying many many pokemon, it's possible they had plenty of similar classes. Gingko likely finds Akana super fun, and that's enough for her to latch on. And to be completely honest, the flirty text was just going to be a haha goof, but that response was fun, so I now plan on doubling down on that. If at any point it makes you uncomfy, shoot me a dm and I will pump the breaks on that so hard and reel it back, oki? @anothered - Muk Man is stupid fun and I'm here for this actual goblin of a guy. I was playing with the idea of having Kaori actually be a listener of his show. I figure that she's gotta listen to SOMETHING to while she crafting balls and manic ufo man sounds like such a good fit. Does he do anything with his voice for the podcast or would it be fairly recognizable? Definitely not going to have her put it together right off the bat, but it might be something fun to hint at. @Crimson - I would like to preemptively apologize on behalf of Kaori's bugs. Goob and Champ might take a special interest in Bebe :) And for Pine, well...awkward peeps are the prime target of her well-meaning meddling. She will want to get this boy some friends and I could not blame him in the slightest if he finds that annoying. @Evee - If you're still with us, be aware, if they end up getting along, Kaori will want to get one of Natalie's doodles tattooed on her. @NoCo - I suppose we already discussed Yew and Gingko's relationship history, so I'm just looking forward to see how they actually interact. HEHEHE. Thanks for putting this thread together, it's a fun time :3