It was strange. She should have felt some sense of relief. Her desperate gambit had worked, after all. The Empire was going to leave, and she knew Eskel had enough boldness and intelligence to help his people and planet recover. Maybe her father could assist them. He always did do better when he was working. Between the three royals, she trusted that they could help the rebellion to go to ground. Master Yoda would be fine, she was certain. He had been right, after all, about her being too attached. Perhaps this would be a lesson for another hot-headed woman, decades from now. And Adam would- [i]Adam-[/i] Kijani felt like her soul was being ripped out. It hurt, physically, like someone was squeezing the very air from her lungs. She thought of him. The warmth of him in her arms, the way he looked at her when he thought she didn't see, their first and last kiss. Everything she thought they would have. Her happiness was meaningless, in the face of the galaxy's survival. But his... [i]Adam, Adam, Adam. I love you with everything I am. Everything that I was.[/i] Thinking of him being with someone else, loving someone else. Living out his life with someone who truly deserved to be by his side. It would truly kill her, to never see him again, to hold him, to hear his voice. [i]Hate me. Despise me. Spit and swear every time you hear my name.[/i] That was best. Kijani needed to die. [i]Mourn me.[/i] [i]Forget me.[/i] [i]I'm sorry.[/i] The soft gold of Kijani's spirit [i]screamed [/i]out through the Force. Echoing across space and time. I'm sorry, [i]I'm sorry[/i], [b][i]I'm sorry[/i][/b] -- And then there was nothing but an empty hole in the galaxy. Like Alderaan, shattered into so much dust. Darth Oratrix rose up at the Emperor's request. "As you wish, My Lord." She walked without pause, and was swallowed up by the dark of the ship.