[color=FF7200][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231227/969958d53586524de2815187a7081dd0.png[/img] [/CENTER] [table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/b5ZnWNP/Moeko.png[/img] [color=2E2C2C][sup]_______________________________________________[/sup][/color][/center][hider=// INFO][indent][sub][b]D A T A[/b][/SUB] [sup][COLOR=SILVER] [b]Full Name[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Hiei Moeko (日永燃衞子)[/COLOR] [B]Hometown[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Asahikawa, Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan[/COLOR] [b]Quirk Type[/b][COLOR=#807B84] - Emitter[/COLOR] [B]Gender[/B][COLOR=#807B84] - Femme[/COLOR][/color][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider] [hider=// PERSONALITY][indent][SUB][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub] [sup][COLOR=SILVER][b]Proud[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Issues with pride[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Strict[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Issues with people[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER][b]Gung-ho[/b] [COLOR=#807B84]Issues with recklessness[/COLOR][/COLOR] [/SUP][/indent][/hider] [/cell][cell][b]Physical Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Hiei Moeko is a bizarrely tall girl, standing at nearly six feet already. Consequently, she stands much taller than most people in her class, including the boys, but especially the girls. She has long, bright red hair which she ties up in twin tails every day to keep it out of her face and off of her neck, and brilliant orange eyes held often at some degree of aggravation. She tends to wear an intense expression on her round face, like she's concentrating really hard on something a lot of the time. But the most notable part of her body is the center of her chest over her heart. It glows with a brilliant yellow-orange light that pulses along with her heartbeat. As her solar reservoir fills it grows brighter, and the pulsing less frequent. When it's full, it's a brilliant, unbroken light. As far as musculature goes, she doesn't have a ton. That's not to say she's unfit; but it's certainly not something she's prioritized, choosing instead to hone her Quirk. Though of course at school she wears her uniform, outside of it she prefers lightweight t-shirts and shorts. Because of her Quirk heating her from the inside it's difficult for her to get cold much of the time, so she just wears what she finds comfortable. She carries herself with pride, as—in her mind—befits a hero-to-be. [/indent][/color] [b]Personal History[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Aoi has always been a computer person. Even when she was a small child, she was endlessly fascinated by them, often spending hours poking at them (and accomplishing nothing, of course, she was a small child after all). Her mother Kimiko, a four-armed programmer, indulged her daughter, let her fiddle around to her heart's content as long as she didn't touch the work stuff. Still, as Aoi grew, she nursed a private worry. Quirks were inherited. But Aoi didn't have four arms like her, and her husband... ...Well, Saiba Ryoutarou was Quirkless. And as Aoi grew and grew, past six, seven, eight, it looked like she might be Quirkless too. And some of the kids at school were starting to notice. So both Kimiko and Aoi were delighted--though Kimiko was deeply confused--to find that Aoi's legs had flickered and faded into pixelated data. And when she proudly walked into the classroom, hand in her pocket with her phone, and fell due to her unfamiliar physiology...she vanished. The class was instantly freaked out, and the teacher, even more so, running over in fear. Until... "[color=5F83DB]Whoaaaa![/color]" [/indent][/color] [b]Character Arc[/b] [color=#807B84][indent]Perhaps it's not obvious at first glance what's up with Aoi, and where her character development will go. Well, I point you to the above backstory and ask you to consider it. For as cheerful and chipper as Aoi is all the time, she's also burdened down by feelings of inadequacy. Being treated as Quirkless until mid-elementary school, and then being told, however gently, that her Quirk just wasn't cut out of hero work... well, it's left some marks on her psyche. [/indent][/color] [b]Quirk Description[/b] [color=#807B84][indent] Moeko's Quirk is [b][color=#FF7200]C[/color][color=#FF6700]a[/color][color=#FF5D00]n[/color][color=#FF5200]n[/color][color=#FF4800]o[/color][color=#FF3E00]n[/color] [color=#FF2900]C[/color][color=#FF1F00]o[/color][color=#FF1400]r[/color][color=#FF0A00]e.[/color][/b] In addition to all normal functions, her heart serves as a reservoir for solar energy that she fills up every time she's exposed to sunlight, though of course the more direct the better. In addition to gaining physical resilience, speed, and strength, as well as resistance to heat and cold, commensurate to the state of her reservoir, the main function of her Quirk draws on her reservoir instead, funneling power out of it to create destructive lances of firelight. [/indent][/color] [/cell][/row][/table][/COLOR]