[Center][h1]CITY IN FLAMES A NIGHT CITY STORY[/h1][img]https://www.pcworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/cyberpunk-primary-2-100870136-orig.jpg?quality=50&strip=all&w=1024[/img] [url=https://discord.gg/7Sxc79kcbC]Discord[/url][/center] [i]Night City, 2080. Wasn't too long ago that Arasaka got wiped across the board. Some gonk solo'ed a facility in the distance and suddenly you had corporats flatlining left and right, AVs falling out of the sky, suits getting fried right there with Ziggy. It was Christmas come early, really a beautiful time if ever there was one. That makes me feel alive, a real tear-jerker of a memory. Hell, even a bunch of their big-wigs got fried, kiddies of old Saburo, and Arasaka pulled right out from Night City within weeks. Militech rolled in soon after, camouflaged boys who started recruiting 6th Street pukes like they were their very own, pulling the same sorta crap like Arasaka had except with cheaper suits and more chrome. The Tyger Claws that were left must've felt slighted that sugerdaddy 'Saka didn't stick to back em, or some gonk back in Japan pulled their strings, because they started a gang war across Kabuki and into Japantown. Kang Tao made good then, too, pushed themselves into the city center like a tick that just won't go away, though they steered clear of the chest thumping, kept to their own affairs. Lead flying left and right, it was real good time. Watson blew up too, amid all that, and Pacifica…well, it kept on being Pacifica. VBDs carving out an empire in secret and Animals in the gym, a tale as old as that hole. Dogtown shut its doors with everything once a Militech gunboat perched off of the coast, threatening to turn the place into real rubble if they tried fucking things up by getting involved. Rumor had it Hansen got zero'ed too, though who the hell knows with that place. Yeah, it's a real good time for business. Solos, crews, corpos with an axe to grind, corporats with a conscience to ignore, gangers to make a mark on the city…whoever you are, there's always a way for you to make an eddy for yourself and steal one from your neighbor. So really, choom, there's just one question I've got for you. Who the hell are you?[/i] [hr][hider=Gigs][hr][b]Fixers:[/b] Morris Ryan Malone - Watson[list] Type: Agent Saboteur Location: Intersection of Longshore St and Eisenhower St, Northside Description: New folks from out of town have moved in and they haven’t even said hello. Local by the name of John Key wants to know who they are, seeing as he also hasn’t seen them out and about at any time of the day or any time at night. He’s worried for his kids and some-such, but of course snooping isn’t something the cops or corps will run with. John’s turned to the good, honest mercs of the city for his home break-ins. As such, pick up a Shard by the nearest drop-point, get into their building, and plug it into whatever computer systems they have running, has a daemon that’ll go just under the surface for monitoring. Shard’ll be tucked in a bag just behind the drop-point. Don’t alert any occupants and there’ll be a tidy bonus for any other information you scan. Type: Gun for Hire Location: Forbes St, Kabuki Description: Nathan Yew’s one of those absolute scumbags you find in Night City. Nathan Yew’s a Militech logistics guy who decided to pull out from a wonderfully quiet deal on the docks. Nathan Yew’s a walking corpse that needs to finally be put into the ground. He worked with a bunch of the gangs even before Arasaka burned down, but some internal investigators with Militech decided to screw things up even more by poking around. Turns out the gonk doesn’t have a spine and fled out from everything, right into Kabuki. He’s holed up with some Tyger Claws after they kidnapped him, probably just to torture out for all the secrets he has. He has too much dirt on him for his own good between knowing points of failure for Militech’s security, drop-off locations for the gangs, and god knows what else. Kill him, kill the Tyger Claws who took him, and destroy all evidence if they’ve already done interrogations. Since this requires absolutely no loose dirt on his existence, you’ll be scrolling the whole thing. That’ll need destroying too, after the proof’s been shown. Type: Thievery Location: Intersection of Martin St and Kennedy Ave, Northside Description: If we ship five boxes one day and two boxes another, how many boxes does our customer have? Absolute stupidity that it’s not seven, because two gonks decided to sell a box on the way. They’ve already been dealt with, but the box needs recovery. It’s the standard nonsense of some Scavs deciding to cut-in on what should be our market, selling cybernetics to idiots on the streets using half-cost ripperdocs, except the difference is these guys intend on ripping the augments back out to sell again. Meat market’s all it is to them, I swear. We can’t rush in for it because next door’s a Militech post with mechs and everything, hence why there’s you. These guys are holed-up in a little office with a small garage, so there’s no question where the box is. Get in, get the shipment, and get out. If you see the Scavs on the way, give em some lead to chew on.[/list] Ken Illustrious Ikari - City Center[list] No Listed Gigs[/list] [hr][/hider]