"Statistically speaking, I'm about 40% today. . ." he spoke underneath his breath to only himself, "and I only just woke up. Place your bets on the probability of that going down or up. . ." He'd turned his head to the other side, but now shifted it to look straight up. Up into that perspective granting sky that seemed endless. . .he knew better. Master EffeX brought his hand up to his brow in what could look like a two-fingered salute, then stretched his arm as far as he could towards that sky. He sighed as he brought it down to go straight out from his body, as he stretched his other arm out the other way. He lay like this for a few minutes getting up, then down- as he'd been sleeping on the roof of an out building. The world looked different now that he was standing on the ground. Sometimes he thought it would be beneficial if every street had a raised walkway so you could choose a different level, a different perspective. He liked difference perspectives. . .mostly higher views as he hadn't much opportunity to experience lower ones. Sometimes, maybe like many, he thought it might be nice to fly. But he wasn't that type of mutant. Something caught his ear then, and even before he turned to look down the street towards it, he frowned. It was much too early in the day for sounds of oppression against his kind.