"Yo... wazzup…” - Teddy [colour=pink]Sugar spun around with the speed of a concerned elder sister, she gasped with relief and beckoned Teddy to come closer, "Oh, Teddy! You're safe, thank goodness!" The camaraderie between staff at the Lucky Catch was clear in the way she embraced her co-worker. Although they'd only been at sea for two days, restaurant time runs longer than real time - one hour feels like five in the kitchen. Sugar was glad to see the kid she already considered a little brother.[/colour] "Are you two doing alright? You look awful..." - Teddy [colour=pink]The little brat. Rage flooded Sugar's face, a terrible trembling, of a Richter scale they'd not yet experienced aboard the S.S. Lugia thus far rumbled from her frame. She raised her palm like the wide brim of a frying pan, ready to knock Teddy across the head. Garscon whisked her away to the side, smoke venting from Sugar like a burnt meal in an oven. Garscon clicked his fingers four times, once with each hand; with the fourth, Sugar snapped back to composure.[/colour] "Hey, glad to see you two made it. Looks like we're all relatively unscathed; your, uh, Machamp's suit here notwithstanding.” - JR [colour=pink]At this point, Machamp was apathetic - it seemed all anyone wanted to talk about was how disheveled he appeared. He rolled his eyes and guided Sugar back to the group. "Oh, hey! I'm so happy you're safe, I still owe you a meal." She said. In front of her were three individuals: one had saved Garscon from severe injury, another had complimented her cooking and the third was her co-worker. She glanced at Garscon, he knew what she was thinking - we have to keep them safe. In the moment, Sugar had fallen behind in the conversation, she chased after Teddy who'd ran off with his pokemon.[/colour] "Looks like the scent is going towards the back of the boat, Miss," - Teddy [colour=pink]They stood within the mall-like interior of the ship, shimmering debris scattered throughout the floor like dangerous obstacles. It would take them about thirty minutes to reach the back of the ship - Sugar spotted a large M, advertising a short flight of stairs that lead to the ship's metro line, a single straight railway with three stops: Bow Station, Mid Station and Stern Station. "Let's see if the Metro is safe." she said, taking the stairs down to the platform.[/colour] Meanwhile, in the main stadium, a dark cloud of Shuppets had descended on the people lingering atop the clockwork, their blue teardrop eyes pin-pointing on Jun, Joshua and Hail, mysteriously encircling them and the other remaining passengers.