[h1][center][color=gold]The Nature Of Time[/color][/center][/h1] [h2][sub][center][color=gold]Galaxor’s Ponderings [/color][/center][/sub][/h2] [h3][sub][center][color=gold]The Holy Library Of Galaxor[/color][/center][/sub][/h3] Once upon a [i]time[/i], Galaxor was perched upon his throne, looking at Maxima, now an old goblin with hundreds of grandchildren and great grandchildren, as she was reading ancient stories to the runts about the time she was created. Galaxor’s eye reflected the brilliance of countless stars and the aura of wisdom enveloped him as he contemplated the enigmatic nature of time. His divine mind delved into the intricacies of temporal threads that wove the fabric of existence. Standing up, Galaxor locked himself in his study, a small room completely sealed to mortals. In there, he summoned ancient tomes that chronicled the epochs of reality. With each page turned, he sought to unravel the mysteries that transcended mortal comprehension. The whispers of past, present, and future echoed in this sanctuary of his. As the God of Heroism and Knowledge, Galaxor pondered the interplay between time and the heroic deeds of mortals. He looked at the narratives woven into the tapestry of history, where valiant champions rose to meet the challenges of their epochs and even other epochs. Each moment etched in the cosmic timeline held the potential for heroic exploits that resonated across the ages. At the end of Galaxor's contemplation, a new understanding washed over him. The very essence of time, with its nonlinear dance and interconnected threads, became clear to the God of Heroism and Knowledge. It was not a revelation of control, but a realisation of harmony. Galaxor, in his newfound understanding, embraced the chaos and beauty of the ever-shifting temporal landscape. Rather than seeking dominion over time, he acknowledged the balance that existed in the mashup of divergent eras. As Galaxor's insight into time, he became a custodian of the temporal currents, ensuring that the equilibrium of the timeline remained undisturbed. Mortals continued to embark on heroic journeys that transcended the boundaries of conventional time. As Galaxor understood the mysteries of time more, a surge of divine energy began to resonate within him. The very fabric of the universe responded to his understanding, and in a moment of transcendence, a glow enveloped his vacant eye socket. Temporal energies, ancient and unfathomable, converged to weave a new form—a celestial eye that pulsed with the essence of past, present, and future. The divine eye, now a beacon of temporal insight, opened to realms beyond normal comprehension. It possessed the ability to pierce through the veils of time, granting Galaxor a panoramic view of the cosmic tapestry. The boundaries between past, present, and future blurred as the eye became a conduit for the ebb and flow of temporal currents. Exiting his sanctum, Galaxor looked upon the world differently than before. One of his eyes seeing the world as it is, the other one, seeing all the potential of it. Everything and anything was now in a constant movement as it was being pulled towards its future self. Remembering his deal with Sylia, Galaxor clapped his hands and the massive armoured plate, he took from Erigoth, appeared in front of him. Chipping just a tiny bit out of it as an extra memento, he looked upon it once more before teleporting himself and it to Sylia’s city. He instructed the citizens to let Sylia know and disappeared without a trace. [hider=MP] Available - 7 MP -4 MP for Time Domain Remaining - 3 MP [/hider] [hider=Summary] A short post where Galaxor studies the heroic knowledge of time and finally understands it. He also grows a new eye which allows him to see past, present and potential futures of anything he gazes upon. He also dropped an armoured plate to Sylia. [/hider]