What if Carter Hall formed the Guardians of the Galaxy? Katar Hol - A former member of the Wingmen; the Thanagarian Secret Police, Katar and his lover Chay'ara were pulled into a wormhole and crashed landed on Earth eons ago. Due to a curse, he and Chay'are both reincarnate after death. After the loss of his wife, Katar decided to return to the stars to find answers there only to be captured for the gladiatorial pits on the planet Hny'xx, known as Hope's End. Koriand'r - The exiled princess of Tamaran. Koriand'r was sold into slavery and when she proved too fierce to be another concubine, she was sent to the gladiatorial pits where she became reigning champion. Rocket - An escaped experiment from Halfworld turned bounty hunter. Rocket was captured and put in Hope End's ruler personal menagerie while his partner Groot was given to the pit. Groot - Colossus Flora X, bounty hunting partner to Rocket. Currently trapped as a Gladiator. Korg - Made of rocks, a Gladiator in the pits. Yondu - A blind, elder Centaurian. Formerly a Gladiator, now he works to train the newcomers. Cosmo - The bestest boy, currently on display in ___'s zoo alongside Rocket despite his impressive psychic powers. A ship named Shayera The Justice League is an independently funded team of superpowered individuals that operates on an international level and has various degrees of acceptance. The Avengers are a SHIELD funded, domestic team of superpowered individuals that are sanctioned to operate within the borders of the United States of America. While sanctioned, members of the Avengers only have to reveal their identity if comfortable, identities are not registered or publically known except on a case by case basis.