[color=ed1c24][center][h2]Akeno[/h2][/center][/color] Thankfully, the bullying Orc wasn’t persistent enough to follow after her once she’d made it clear she was trying to leave; Akeno had been worried that he would take her walking away as a challenge or some kind of disrespect and take either as a reason to harass her further. People like that didn’t need logic to drive what they did or who they went after, often they just needed an excuse. Maybe things were different with Orcs, it wasn’t like she had any idea of Orc society worked after or, or she had misread this one and he wasn’t like that, either way it was probably better to just leave and not look back just in case. Still, that left her with the problem of what to do next. She’d investigated one of her leads, sort of, and found it to be a dead end; Akeno didn’t know anything about farming beyond the absolute basics and if this guy knew to fertilise the soil then he was probably fine to figure out the rest. There was still the Shaman to ask, but she’d been talking to another young Orc earlier so maybe she already had things covered. The blacksmith needed wood or ore; Akeno could maybe swing an axe well enough to cut down some trees given a couple pointers, but from the sounds of it ore was the bigger issue and Akeno knew about as much about mining as she did farming. That left the hunter, who might need some help skinning and gutting all of those creatures that she and the other Orcs had been bringing in today. Once again Akeno was in the position of not really knowing anything about the kind of work that was required of her, but she could at least handle a knife better than a saw or pickaxe. It was better than nothing, as far as leads went, so Akeno began to approach the far west side of the camp where the hunter was located. If Akeno didn’t know why the hunter had chosen to set up shop so far out of the way before, she sure as hell figured it out once she got close enough to smell the fumes. Tanning the hides that came from their kills was… pungent work and more than once Akeno considered the idea of going anywhere else instead of pushing forward. She stuck to her decision though, continuing to walk forward and breathing through her mouth until she reached the hunter’s hut. [color=ed1c24]“Hey! Do you have any work that needs doing?”[/color] [@Zeroth]