[quote=@rocketrobie2] Wouldn’t mind some two cents from y’all I’m that case. The one thing I’m settled on is making a Caitif but here’s my different ideas; First one is a 80s cover band rocker type guy, really leaning into the stereotype and having a bit of a more casual attitude to keeping up the masquerade, shrugging off any big accusations of his undead hood to his rockstar image. He’d be a bit famous to locals but not a real big shot. Second idea is a more techie type, not sure about daytime occupation but in his mortal life he would spend hours on the computer writing on cryptic forums and investigating sightings. Now that he’s in the other side of the investigation he doesn’t know what to do with himself. A third one that I haven’t put as much thought into but could be fun; a used car salesman. He’s got the gift of gab and the know how to back it up. Like I said, less developed but might be fun to flesh out [/quote] Well, we don't have a tecchie yet. But to my understanding we're supposed to be ~100 years old kindred, so I'm not sure how the mortal backstory would work in 1920s. But hey, looks interesting. The 80 rocker guy also fits the group well, because like, as of now the only that really belongs in a club is Elizabeth. Ian and Enzo are either too old or too young