Presenting a PTSD-addled, depressed former shell of a flying brick! [hider=Adora E. Phoenix-Prescott][CENTER][img][/img] [youtube][/youtube][/CENTER] [i]"Just because I failed Lisa doesn't mean I have to fail anyone else."[/i] [table][row][/row][row][cell] [center][img][/img] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [sub][color=fd8a6c]Adora Erica Phoenix-Prescott[/color] [color=fd8a6c]She/Her[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=fd8a6c]26[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=fd8a6c]African-American[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=fd8a6c]6'1ft[/color] [b]|[/b] [color=fd8a6c]171[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=fd8a6c]Resolute.[/color] [sup]_______________________________________________[/sup] [color=fd8a6c]Skills & Talents[/color][/sub] [i]"I'll help you realize it's all in your head."[/i] [sup]___________________________________[/sup][/center][hider=] [sub] [color=fd8a6c][b] ⫻[/b][/color] [/sub][/hider] [/cell][cell][sub][b][color=fd8a6c] Appearance[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I made myself into something people can depend on."[/i] [indent]A very unapproachable woman, and a very intimidating one at that. Maybe it's the fact that Adora is [i]very[/i] tall for a woman, or she has a Resting-Bitch-Face. She exudes an air of superiority not out of disdain for others but as a declaration that she will not allow anyone to dictate her worth or destiny. The girl strangely carries herself; she has an aloof and uncaring aura - as she'd seldomly be the first person to approach someone. She only seems uncaring in her attitude, and Adora takes extreme care in her appearance, from her attitude to her body to her overall cleanliness. You'd be dead if you found Adora not looking her very best. Adora takes giant steps and usually has her face and head concealed behind an oversized hoodie with her hands in her pockets. She usually speaks surprisingly high-pitched and is quick and to the point, and [i]never[/i] smiles (If you make her smile, you must be something else). Overall, she has a menacing aura that is mysterious underneath it all. In terms of body, Adora is [i]very[/i] tall and well-built; back in the days of the old Coven, she had a little gut and padding to her body - but not anymore. After losing her friend Lisa, Adora has found therapy in the gym and is very well-built. Her biceps are thick, her forearms are veiny, and her [s]thick[/s] thighs and calves are [i]very[/i] well built from leg day and tons of cardio. Yes, she has a big butt, it was a "gift" from her mother, and it's substantial from all the squats she does. Her bra size is 38b... but because she's six-one, she doesn't look all that tall. However, Adora keeps her body well covered, and she's one of those gals who always wears long-sleeved shirts and pants. Never wear anything sexual or provocative - though Adora enjoys the occasional dress. Now, Adora is African-American, and she tries to take care of her skin, but she has a nasty scar on her stomach from the battle with the Stygian Snake. It's red and fleshy and comes out the back - but good luck seeing it. Adora keeps her hair in dreads that are clean and well-maintained - but very short. In terms of attire, as stated before, Adora dresses in the most unflattering ways possible so people don't sexualize her. She usually wears baggy clothes that do not accentuate her feminine features and cover as much of her skin as possible. However, this isn't something she always does, and sometimes she dresses sexy... and surprises people with how well-built she is. However, when she's out in public and the weather permits, expect Adora to wear a hoodie and keep the hood up, so getting a good view of her face would be challenging. In private, Adora dresses in the most comfortable or none at all. However, she keeps a [url=]strange golden ring[/url] on her index finger, for no reason at all.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table][sub][b] [color=fd8a6c]Psychology[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"Coming back to the Coven brings back so many bad memories... but I [b]have[/b] to do this. To find the strength to get over it all. To solve this for everyone."[/i] [INDENT][color=fd8a6c][b]MAIN GOAL ⫻[/b][/color] Adora doesn't have a primary goal in life... it's genuinely a topsy-turvy mess at the moment. She wants to heal from the death of Lisa, but it's so hard sometimes. She also wants to reach out and reconnect with the people that she left behind. Above all, Adora wants to make a positive difference in the world and help other people like Lisa who are out there. [color=fd8a6c][b]PHILOSOPHY ⫻[/b][/color] A walking paradox of a woman, Lisa's death serves as a stark reminder of what happens when you are reckless and arrogant. She grew up raised to speak her mind, don't take shit from anybody, and be kind and generous when it's not detrimental. In Adora's world, strength is necessary and should be used to protect people without strength. She would do anything to protect someone who can't fight back, but has zero patience for people who use their strength (physical, magical, metaphorical, etc) to bully others. Lisa's death has marred her entire philosophy, and she wants to ensure what happened to Lisa never happens to anyone else. Adora's arrogance is a barrier against the most vulnerable aspects of her, the ones that Lisa's death has hurt. Above all, Adora wants to be a light in the world, to make a difference in a world where it's easy to be a bastard - significantly when magic is involved - and help all the other Lisas out there. [color=fd8a6c][b]SECRETS ⫻[/b][/color] There aren't too many secrets that Adora holds onto. Makes sure that the Mundane aren't privy to the truth of Lisa's death, and that's it. [color=fd8a6c][b]SEXUALITY ⫻[/b][/color] Adora is bisexual but has yet even to attempt to explore her sexuality. She finds herself attracted to both genders - However, Adora's mental health is far too poor for her to get in a mood, so she has next to zero experience with relationships. Now that she seems to have gotten back on her feet, she's thinking about it, but she's unable to get attached to people. [color=fd8a6c][b]FEARS ⫻[/b][/color] Despite her confident and confrontational exterior, Adora has a paralyzing fear of showing vulnerability stemming from Lisa's death. A fear of chaos and losing control fuels Adora's confrontational nature. The idea of being powerless in a situation, especially one reminiscent of Lisa's death, is a source of anxiety for her. Above all else, Adora fears being helpless as she was when she was rushing to save Lisa, and fears repeating the same mistakes. [color=fd8a6c][b]REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻[/b][/color] Adora, alongside her two friends Clementine and Vanessa, were viewed favorably... for their contribution to the fight with the Stygian Snake. Adora was very openly judgemental and critical of the many other members of the Old Coven for even the slightest thing. Especially the ones that bullied or insulted the other members - especially the ones that tried to mess with Lisa. It got to the point where she got into a few fights with the other members. However, due to her abstraction, she was primarily tolerated, but after the Stygian Snake was defeated and her mental health went to shit, she quickly ghosted the Coven. She does not know how bad the Coven has gotten or why it fell apart in the first place, nor does she care. [color=fd8a6c][b]ROLE IN THE BATTLE WITH THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻[/b][/color] Played a considerable part, as with the Trinity Ring, Adora and her two friends (Clementine and Vanessa) were able to remotely keep up with the Stygian Snake (with the help of some abstraction boosting spells). The three of them were primarily responsible for forcing the Stygian Snake to retreat and giving the rest of the group much-needed breathing room. However, during the final battle, they weren't of much as Adora wholly shut down after Lisa's brutal death. [color=fd8a6c][b]FLAWS ⫻[/b][/color] Far, far, too many. Adora is riddled with PTSD from watching Lisa's death, and she can be easily triggered by things that remind her of the Stygian Snake. She'll push on regardless, but it can make her stumble. While she has made strides, she's still a mess of a woman who'll have to live with the sights for the rest of her life. Which can make her reclusive, and it's why she's so awkward while dealing with the Coven. However, the girl can be rude and nasty, as she's the first to open her mouth whenever someone does something she doesn't like or agree with and is [i]very[/i] confrontational and argumentative. She is very blunt and spurts out whatever comes to mind without thinking about how it may make other people feel - which may cause her to feel bad. Some may call her a bitch; some call her speaking her mind, and Adora just calls it being herself. Adora finds it hard to open up and reach out and talk to people after Lisa's death and may find herself stumbling on her own words a lot. Adora is a woman of contradictions tethering on the edge; all it will take is one hit, and she'll fall into a deep abyss. [/INDENT] [sub][b][color=fd8a6c] Backstory[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"I did it not for praise, but out of love."[/i] [indent]A native of St. Portwell, Adora grew up in a house on the outskirts of St. Portwell that her grandfather owned and intended to pass down. Adora never knew her father, as her mother always told her that she got a "sperm donor."... there was that part of Adora that knew that she wasn't being literal, but as she grew up, she had little interest in finding out who her father was. She didn't need him, after all. Adora grew up following her mother's model, being outspoken and taking nothing from no one person. Her grandfather's more compassionate, nurturing nature... and Adora ended up being a weird mixture of both of them, with her traits. These three people gave Adora [i]everything [/i]and did everything in their power to ensure she became a reasonable person in a world of horrible ones. Though growing up, Adora was not a people person... not to say that she was introverted, but she was very outspoken and confrontational, even at a young age. Still, she was a very judgemental girl with high standards for herself and ensured that the people she surrounded herself with were the best. The only friends she had growing up were the neighbor girls, Clementine and Vanessa Washington. They were two young, fun-loving, moral girls much like herself, but Adora was the more cool-headed one in their little cliche. They grew so attached that nothing would ever break them apart. However, this worried her mother, who pushed the young Adora towards activities - arts, sports, [i]anything[/i] - that would help her develop social skills, and eventually, Adora ended up as a cheerleader in that cliche. However, she wasn't very popular with them as she was critical of the "popular" girl's bullying. Especially of Lisa Turner. Lisa Turner was a shy, socially awkward gal who wasn't liked by anyone and bullied by most. She had weird interests (like spiders, body horror, and other macabre things) and could never entirely hold on due to her clumsy demeanor. Adora knew she was [i]bullied[/i] and would be there to give even the biggest and most challenging jocks a piece of her mind if they so much as tried anything on the girl. Though Adora never really talked to her in passing, she kept her eye on her - so did Vanessa and Clementine. However, after a certain point, Lisa began pulling back - hardly going to school - and Adora felt something was wrong. She wasn't one to assume the worst, but she had to do [i]something.[/i] The bullies knew where Lisa lived, and after interrogating one of them, Adora got Lisa's address. She skipped school herself, walked over to Lisa's, and calmly knocked on the door until someone answered. After a bit of chatting, Adora convinced Lisa's parents to let her talk to her, and Adora sat down next to Lisa on that bed and talked to her. Lisa told her everything about how miserable she was, how nobody liked her, and how she wished she was [i]dead[/i]. Adora couldn't have that. Adora did everything she could to befriend Lisa by constantly talking to her and being the first person ever to be nice to her. She constantly talked to her on the phone, letting her nerd out about her niche interests and weird spider facts. Eventually, Adora managed to get Lisa to come back to school; anyone who dared look at Lisa the wrong way got a sharp scolding at best (at worse, Adora whoop their ass after school). Maybe it was out of stroking her ego and feeling good about herself, but Adora would do [i]anything[/i] to save a life. Above all else, Adora felt happy that she brought light into someone's life; even if Lisa wasn't made in Adora's likeness, they developed a bond. She saw Lisa as a little sister, and she would do anything for her, which made Lisa eternally grateful. However, one day, Lisa had something to show Adora, which Adora was hoping was not some love confession... and after Lisa showed her, she wished that it was. Lisa spit out a spider the size of a basketball like it was nothing! Adora, naturally, freaked out, and Lisa calmed her down by telling her that magic was real and that she had gained magic from getting pushed to the brink by her bullies. She wanted to show someone, and Adora just took off into the night - which hurt both of them. This pushed them apart for a little while, which Adora felt terrible about, but she kept it a secret to protect Lisa. Around this time, Adora's grandfather died and told her that it was a part of his will that his house would be hers upon turning eighteen (yay!). However, on his deathbed, he also left her [url=]three golden rings[/url] and told them that they were his most prized possession and to keep them with her at all times. She promised that she would do it, and she donned all three rings, and whenever someone asked, she would tell them that they were her grandfather's. However, it didn't take long to realize that they... changed her. They made her stronger, faster, and tougher, from accidentally tearing a door off its hinges to knocking a pickup truck over and [i]flying[/i]. It didn't take a genius to realize she had gotten superpowers. The first thing she did was apologize to Lisa, and when she got to her house, it was difficult to get into the Turner household, but she managed to talk to Lisa face-to-face. Lisa initially wanted nothing to do with Adora, but she came around... then the Stygian Snake attacked her house. The two girls were shocked, paralyzed from fear, as they [i]never[/i] saw anything like that before. Adora found the bravery inside herself to confront the monster and at least give Lisa time to escape - Adora was almost killed, and everything went dark. However, the Sycamore Tree Coven came in the knick of time and saved them, driving off the Stygian Snake, and Sully gave her a drink out of the Chalice to heal all of her wounds. After Adora came, they found Lisa, introduced themselves as the Coven, and told them [i]everything[/i] - alongside an invitation. The two accepted it, and Lisa was finally off making friends and learning more about herself! Adora was proud, but she fell into Britney William's hands... Britney examined the rings and told her they were the legendary Trinity Rings. Adora was using them wrong, and the three rings were intended to be used by three people to utilize their full strength. However, Adora was a prideful, vain, and stubborn young girl who didn't want anyone else touching her father's rings: Multi-dimensional entity or not. After much convincing, Adora roped her two friends, Clementine and Vanessa Washington, into the Coven and gave them the two rings. That was not a decision that Adora regretted, as with the Trinity Rings, they were flying powerhouse, and they could tear apart the Stygian Snake's minions. However, they worked closely with Lisa Turner, who learned how to create powerful Spider Minions to counter the Stygian Snake's army. They battled monster after monster at night while hanging out with the Coven during whatever lull they could get. However, things changed during the day of the eclipse (the final battle), and Adora, Clementine, and Vanessa confronted the Stygian Snake first and head-on, boosted by Bianca, Greta, and the other abstraction boosters while everyone else got in position. They did some [i]severe[/i] damage to the Stygian Snake alongside Daisy and the others, which made Adora highly confident in the plan. Lisa insisted on staying by Adora's side, providing minions to battle the Stygian Snake, and Adora was more than confident that she could protect Lisa. Too confident. The Stygian Snake managed to launch Adora away... leaving Lisa vulnerable. The Stygian Snake used its darkness to tear Lisa apart in front of everyone slowly. Adora desperately went in, tears flowing, deluding herself into thinking she could do anything. By the time she got there, Lisa was already in pieces, and Adora fell apart, cradling Lisa's dead body and crying her eyes out as everyone fought. She was removed from the battlefield, and only heard that the Stygian Snake was defeated. Adora was crushed under the weight of it all... but she tried to participate in the old Coven. However, it was obvious that her heart wasn't in it, and she felt guilty for being unable to save Lisa after [i]everything[/i] she did. Adora quietly told the leadership that she was bowing out of the old Coven, and she didn't so much as speak to them afterward. PTSD wracked her, and she withdrew from all social circles, including her two closest friends. The death of Lisa haunted her, and whenever she tried to have fun, she could only see Lisa wherever she went. Adora took the ring off, as she didn't care about magic or none of this nonsense; she wanted Lisa back and became reclusive. If anyone recognized her, she would just run away. Adora hardly left the house, and Adora's mother gave her some space, but she had to help her daughter... and convinced her to get therapy for her trauma. Working on herself through consoling wasn't easy; it was incredibly daunting and full of challenges - it seemed like she went back down every time she came up. It took her years before she stopped blaming herself for Lisa's death, and she eventually learned to forgive herself for Lisa's death. The depression went away in due time, but the nightmares didn't go away, nor did the attacks, no matter how hard she tried. It was something that she had to deal with. As part of her healing process, Adora exited her self-imposed exile and contacted Vanessa and Clementine - who moved to the other side of the country. They were angry that she had ghosted them but were happy to hear about her journey. The conversation took a turn when Adora asked for the other two Trinity Rings, and they told her that they had given them to Sloane Harris before they left the Old Coven. Adora couldn't fault them as she failed to understand how important they were to her and figured she could get it from Sloane. However, Sloane refused, as Adora "gave up her duty," no matter how hard Adora asked for them and how Adora insulted her, Sloane refused to give up the rings. Eventually, Adora gave up, as she knew a losing battle when she saw one and just figured they'd be safe. Adora just focused on her physical and mental health until the murders began. They brought back bad memories and caused a regression that caused Adora to go reclusive for a bit. She initially refused Auri's invitation, but she had to do [i]something[/i] about the murders. She couldn't watch as more people lost the people dear to them like Lisa was to her.[/indent] [sub][b] [color=fd8a6c]Abstraction[/color][/b][/sub] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"... I'm going to [b]STRANGLE[/b] Sloane."[/i] [indent][color=fd8a6c][b]TYPE ⫻[/b][/color] Aberration (Agent). [color=fd8a6c][b]ABSTRACTION ⫻[/b][/color] [i]The Trinity Ring,[/i] a threesome of powerful rings that created a paranormal bond between three people that gave them flight, speed, super strength, and durability long as they remained close to each other. However, Adora only has one ring and gets a [i]sliver[/i] of its true potential. [color=fd8a6c][b]ABSTRACTION DESCRIPTION ⫻[/b][/color] The Trinity Ring was a legendary artifact in the All-Verse created by an ancient civilization of Adepts. They created the rings to have three mighty guardians come to protect their city from any threats. However, the universe was destroyed, and the Trinity Ring fell into the Pit, where they were extracted. since then, they changed hands often - eventually landing in Adora's. Their primary function is to be distributed amongst three people, who are effectively [i]Gods[/i] as long as they remain within five meters of each other. They each can fly at speeds that can be hard to perceive except by the keenest eye, strong enough to lift buildings, and can tank even the strongest Paranormal attacks (only the Stygian Snake had the raw power to stagger them). The battle with the Stygian Snake made Adora and her two friends [i]powerhouses[/i] capable of making the Stygian Snake retreat with the help of some Abstraction boosting. [i]However,[/i] without someone to bear the other two rings, it's only a shell of the awe-inspiring strength... going from punching the Stygian Snake to only being able to carry a dresser up the stairs by herself. Adora only possesses one ring, which boosts her physical capabilities to being [i]slightly[/i] above peak-human, which is [i]nothing[/i] compared to some of the supernatural feats others are capable of. However, there was an oversight in the design of the Trinity Ring: if one put on [i]all[/i] rings, they would get a power boost that would be nothing to the Ring's peak but still a significant power boost. Below is all that Adora can do if she dons the three rings: [indent][indent][color=fd8a6c][b]ONE RING ⫻[/b][/color] The current level that Adora is at. The singular ring boosts Adora to... slightly above her normal capabilities. She's strong enough to lift a dresser the stairs by herself! She can tank a few punches from a regular grown man before going down, and you'd have to put just a [i]little[/i] extra force behind that knife to stab her. Adora can also sprint about two miles per hour faster than she would be capable of, and best of all... she can fly at a speed that most people can leisurely outwalk. Her flight is likely the only one that people could notice. [color=fd8a6c][b]TWO RINGS ⫻[/b][/color] Two rings boosts Adora to slightly above peak human strength (lifting around 1400lb overhead), speed (she can sprint around 32 MPH), durability (she can shrug off hits from professional boxers and metal bats, and it'd be hard to penetrate her skin with just strength alone), along with being able to fly around her top sprinting speed. [color=fd8a6c][b]THREE RINGS ⫻[/b][/color] Three rings boost Adora into absolutely superhuman territory. Adora can easily lift 4200lb overhead and is strong enough to lift and throw a car. She's tough enough to tank hits from Paranormal Beings, who specialize in strength, and can survive getting launched through a brick wall (while still getting hurt). Her speed allows her to sprint 50 miles per hour and fly at [i]twice[/i].[/indent][/indent] [color=fd8a6c][b]LIMITS ⫻[/b][/color] As stated all over the Abstraction section... Adoras will never be able to reach the peaks of the Trinity Ring without giving the two other rings to other people. However, that's not viable as Adora has no one she can trust; she doesn't want to lose the rings again, and the rings are currently MIA as they were a part of Sloane's stolen collection. Even if Adora gets all three rings, she will operate at a fraction of her true power. [color=fd8a6c][b]WEAKNESSES ⫻[/b][/color] Working against the Trinity Ring's intended functions will [b][i]not[/i][/b] go well for Adora, as utilizing the Trinity Ring will cause a decline in Adora's body functions. If she uses the ring's power for over a few seconds, she'll experience dizziness, headaches, vomiting, and bleeding from the nose. These are the milder end of the scale as the further she pushes herself, the worse these effects will get... ending with temporary blindness, organ failure, and vomiting blood. If Adora goes all out, it can quickly [i]kill[/i] her. The more rings she has on, the worse these effects will get, and the quicker she'll get to the worst side effects. [/INDENT] [sup][b] [color=fd8a6c]Other[/color][/b][/sup] [sub][sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔[/sup][/sub] [i]"If I die, I'll make sure I do it taking care of the people I love and care about."[/i] [indent][/INDENT][/hider]