[b]"Khcak! Agh! Don't know!"[/b] answered the first thug immediately, and the second thug followed shortly after. [b]"We know shit about those things, ma'am!"[/b] Pausing between his pained groans, he slowly he rose up. Though there were 'nice' conclusions being promised in the squire's inquiry, the thug's face went pale the moment he looked at Louise, and unconscious Jonas Delving not far from them. [b]"L-lovely miss, I am just a cook, and my pal there is--was a stablehand.[/b]" he stammered. [b]"We-we were running from our master's monster pet, that's all! We not know no easy path, no, would already use it otherwise." [/b] [b]"We only saw bears!"[/b] his friends interjected, shouting. [b]"Three bears bickering! And some blue dude with knives for the ears stopping one of them bears. The captain's dead! Everyone else's dead. Maybe the missus is dead too. We ain't going back! That's all I know."[/b]