[center][color=CCCC22][h3]Jub the Peculiar[/h3][/color][/center] Jub gave the two darklings a look at the suggestion of a 'gender reveal party', though it came off less as the scowl he intended it to be more as a tired stare. He remained quiet as Brutrumukk carried out his transaction, glad at least that neither of them would have to give up their most cherished memory and even a little surprised that the barbarian had offered to pay for most of his spell components. He didn't think anyone had ever offered to buy something for him before. He had no time to dwell on this - or any of the millions of things that were whizzing round his head right now - because his friend suddenly keeled over and started screaming. [color=CCCC22]"What the f..."[/color] he started to shout at the darklings, only to be cut off when Brutrumukk rose back to his feet, seemingly fine. He didn't look any different than he had a moment before but his posture and mannerisms seemed a little different. He seemed to think he had fur again and then started attacking, saying something about them not creating any more weretigers. [color=CCCC22]"Oh great, he's finally gone crazy,"[/color] Jub muttered quietly to himself. There was a short pause before he added, [color=CCCC22]"Well... craz[i]ier[/i]."[/color] When one of the Darklings called over to Jub to get the gnome under control, he gave her a look. [color=CCCC22]"I'm sorry, but you're the one who's weird... ritual... thing made him start acting like this,"[/color] Jub pointed out. [color=CCCC22]"If you weren't prepared for the consequences, maybe you shouldn't be doing that. I'm just saying."[/color] He produced his wand. [color=CCCC22]"Plus, you two kind of caught me on a not-so-good day and your shenanigans are pretty much the final straw for me so." [/color] With that, he unleashed a magic missile attack, two hitting Trinket and two hitting Bauble. [hider=OOC]Jub uses a second level spell slot to cast a magic missile with 4 darts, two hitting Bauble and two hitting Trinket. Two magic missiles hitting Bauble = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26269]10[/url] Two magic missiles hitting Trinket = [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26270]7[/url][/hider]