[CENTER][color=598527][h1]Hither[/h1][/color] [color=00746b][h2]Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)[/h2][/color][/CENTER] The Magic Missiles hit the darklings true, and the both of them look badly injured now. Trinket glares at Jub and they respond to the goblin while taking the herbs needed for the Find Familiar spell off of the shelf. They respond to Jub, "If you can't handle Feywild Business, then you're not welcome either, even if you are the fucking Witchlight Monarch!" They then throw the herbs into the lake nearby. The plants sink into the depths along with the vase they were contained in. Trinket then adds after doing so, "By the way! We're the [I]only shop[/I] in Prismeer. So, Good Luck finding another one!" They then move to strike Brutrumukk with a dagger, only to find that his Brutrumukk's dodge saved him from another strike. [hider=Trinket's Turn]Trinket throws the herbs into the ocean as a free action. For their action, they attack Brutrumukk at Disadvantage because of his Dodge. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26271]18[/url] originally, but then [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26272]7[/url] to hit. So, Trinket misses.[/hider] [hider=Initiative]Trinket: 23 Brutrumukk: 22 Bauble: 11 Jub: 5[/hider]