[CENTER][color=598527][h1]Hither[/h1][/color] [color=00746b][h2]Downfall: Trinket, Bauble, and Charm's (D10)[/h2][/color][/CENTER] Trinket doesn't seem the least bit intimidated. After Brutrumukk and Jub speak, they spit at the ground, and answer, "That ain't a gift. It's a common courtesy. We followed the Rule of Reciprocity ourselves," They then sneer at Jub, "His [I]Highness[/I] shot us with Magic Missiles, so he ain't gettin' a familiar," They then sneered, "We've been nuttin' but accommodatin' ta ya. Ya could've renegotiated if ya didn't like the prices. If it wasn't possible, we never would have accepted the Terrasque balloon animal. [I]Yer[/I] the ones who attacked. [I]Yer[/I] in the wrong. And [I]yer[/I] the ones who will [I]suffer[/I] for it," [hider=OOC]Trinket sees the writing on the wall. They ready an attack for when Brutrumukk attacks.[/hider]