Grunthor shrugged in response to the other Runt. [color=red]"Their hand to hand is probably close to the start of what boxing was or greek wrestling. But they're still tool reliant for fighting, I haven't seen a single unarmed adult."[/color] He explained, knowing about the whole survival aspect. He had been killing and hunting essentially all day and had been quite succesful. If the cat hadn't popped up in the general area he'd already be done most likely. The unnamed one clasped the stone knife between his teeth and brought out his pointy stick when the scuttling of many legs came from above. The light of the torch, getting beaned in the face, and then blasted with magic sent the ceiling bound arachnid reeling for a moment. Unfortunately it was completely out of melee range. But he got a good view of it while it was being attacked. [color=red]"Yeah I saw. I don't have magic though."[/color] He stated as he kept his eyes on the giant spider, just to see it lob a ball of webbing at them. Somehow. They were on opposite sides of the cave tunnel. But either way he leaned out of the way to let it fly by before rummaging for a second in his Slime Sack. Taking out his Sharp Stone he launched it at the spiders bulbous abdomen. [color=red]"Lets try getting it on the ground."[/color] Grunthor said while trying to think of a way to do so beyond just chucking every rock in the cave at the thing.