James Buchanan Barnes | Captain America What if Erskine had enough Serum for all the Howling Commandos? A Squad of Super Soldiers that ultimately helped tipped the odds for the Allies during World War II. Over the course of the past eight decades, many of the Howling Commandos were hunted down or killed. Bucky was captured and tortured, losing an arm but ultimately rescued by Steve Rogers who gave his life to rescue his friend. Bucky sustained severe wounds which required him to be placed into an experimental stasis by the SSR only to be awoken decades later and given a new arm and Steve's old shield. Becca Barnes as Winter Soldier? Howling Commandos Captain Steve Rogers - Captain America James Buchanan Barnes - Bucky James Logan Howlett - Weapon X/Wolverine Diana Prince - Wonder Woman Hank Heywood - Sergeant Steel Nicholas J. Fury - Fury Josephine Tautin - Mademoiselle Marie