Besca's voice, even over the phone, was like a balm on the burn of Quinn's feelings, and it wasn't long before the breathing started, and the sobbing petered down to sniffing, then just breathing. Shaky, yes, and she could still feel the tears beading at the corner of her eye. But after only a few minutes, she shook her head, took a few more sniffles, blew her nose, and wiped her eye with the corner of her shirt sleeve. The day [i]was[/i] over. She did it. She made it. She took took one or two more deep breaths, and—back to herself—remembered to press the video call button, pointing the camera at her tear-stained face. Tear-stained, yes, which was not uncommon; was debatably the [i]most[/i] common. But what her face [i]wasn't[/i] was still crumpled. Her eye, though misty with tears, was clear and focused instead of faraway like it tended to be sometimes. There was a shadow behind it, certainly. More than what was usually present, even. But steady. By the way the phone was focused on her face, it was clear that her hand wasn't shaking, or was at least only trembling a minimal amount. On the whole, despite the sudden outpouring of emotion that resembled one of her emotional breakdowns, the way she looked now was as composed as she ever really [i]could[/i] look. The other side of the screen blinked on and Besca's face came into focus. She was exhausted, clearly, and the creases of worry that Quinn had become so used to were pasted on her face. She clearly hadn't showered or brushed her hair in probably longer than was hygienic, and her face had a sunken look to it. The bags under her eyes had grown more pronounced. Really, she looked like hell. But, like Quinn, her eye was bright, and she wore a smile that, while tired, was still wide, genuine, and clearly [i]very[/i] happy. And, a moment later, Quinn's face grew one to match. A sudden smile, one that she'd only matched once or twice before. And then, to make the blue moon even rarer, she gave a little self-conscious laugh. "[color=ffe63d][i]Ahaha,[/i] sorry about that. It's been a...well, a day, I'm's a lot, you know?[/color]" she murmured, flopping down on her back so her hair spread out on the blanket like a crown as the smile grew more mellow. No less happy, but calmer. "[color=ffe63d]I'm so happy to see you.[/color]"