Armin was gleeming with amusement as he watched the youthful water mage, all timid and shy. "Ah, you won't get anywhere with that attitude. If one of us bothered to point you over our way, then you're definitely worth all of our time." Turning around, he set off to join Aura as she silently signalled for help. "And don't bother with that 'fitting in' crud this card wizard's blathering on about. If someone doesn't like how you carry yourself, then force them to accept who you are." At his own words, he paused for a moment, temporarily halting his little march. He looked up with a vacant gaze before regaining focus and continuing walking. "Fisk and I got that part easy, since we've been here since we were kids. You two shouldn't have much trouble, though." Stoically, he made his exit, and the green buck had soon sped his way ahead of the two girls, in search of the Master. By the time Armin had finished his bout, Fisk had collected himself. He came by and re-engaged conversation with Tim, illusion intact. With an embarrassed blush and a pathetic smile, he spoke up. "Yeah, I... Sorry about that. I tend to lose my cool when my illusion breaks all of a sudden, like that. Armin's right, I shouldn't be hiding what I am, but..." Fisk's eyes had drifted off for a moment, as if looking into the distance. He'd always been told by his father that it was important to uphold the illusion. Yet, as he traveled the world for work and met so many new people in his life, none of them really cared. And yet, there was always some nagging feeling whenever he was au naturel that urged him to hide it. Immediately, Fisk's eyes snapped back into reality as he refocused. "Ah, sorry. Got lost in my own thoughts, heh..." Again, flustered, he he emboldened his spirits, sending his introspective thoughts to the back of his mind, for now. "Now, enough about me! I think it's about time we caught up with the others. Besides, if the Master's too busy, that just means we have some more time to learn more about the two of you." With a more appropriately cheery attitude, Fisk smirked brightly as he began to lead Tim by the hand to catch up with Aura and Vocalia. __________________________________________________ Armin had gone ahead with an inquisitve look on his face. Strangely, he couldn't smell Dia anywhere. Instead, all he was smelling was a queasy wave of sickly magic coming from... Somewhere. He figured the best way to help was to find the Master, but it wasn't any good if he couldn't tell where she was. As a parasite that feeds on magic, he can't consume anything but his host's magic... With that said, he was gifted with a good sense for tracking magical sources. With a change of objective, he steered off towards the source of this immense disagreement of magic. After an undisclosed amount of time and wandering, he chanced upon the source. Peeking his head into the room in a brash manner, he took a quick look around the room. There nothing nearby, but far off in the corner, he saw what looked to be the source. He couldn't get a good look from the distance he was at, and all he could see was a figure slumped over on the ground, looking to be venting to herself. Taking a few steps inside, he recognized the woman, and Armin gave off a tiny snarl. "Ugh, I should have known you were the source of that [i]charming[/i] aura." Still keeping his distance as his snout protested coming any closer, he began to feel a little queasy himself. "Ria, you really musn't go off eating every magical being that moves." Puffing out his cheeks as he laughed to himself, he failed to restrain his snarkyness. "I mean, you'll just gain more weight that way." As he continued to laugh to himself, his attention was grabbed by a stray thought. "Wait a sec, where the heck am I, anyway? And what are you doing brooding in your own corner, here?" Armin sniffed the air again for any other traces of magic, only to cover his muzzle, regretting his decision. There was too much magic overflowing from Ria that it was impossible to tell if there was anyone else here, based simply on magic.