[CENTER][h1][color=brown]Brutrumukk[/color][/h1][/CENTER] When the firebolt struck the darkling, Brutrumukk refused to look away for even a moment. Even as Trinket's Death Flash robbed him of his sight for a time. The courage to defy a foe to the bitter end was something Brutrumukk both respected and envied in other races, and he always made sure to show that respect in the final moments of those enemies he faced that fought to the death. [color=ed1c24][u][i][b]"Perhaps it will. Someday."[/b][/i][/u][/color] Brutrumukk spoke in reply to the dead darkling's final words when his vision began to clear. [color=ed1c24][u][i][b]"Not today, though...[/b][/i][/u][/color] [color=orange]Not today."[/color] With battle no longer at hand, Brutrumukk's rage abated and he set about looting the shop. First, he pulled the dagger out of Bauble and tossed their body into the water. Then he shrugged the backpack off of his back, set it down on the counter, and set about collecting up everything in the shop, starting with his balloon tarrasque and the marbles that held his colors before moving on to everything else the shop had to offer. Once that was done, he donned the jester's garb and sheathed the darklings' daggers on either side of the outfit's belt. Once the looting was concluded and the backpack was back on his back, Brutrumukk vaulted back over the counter and walked over to the edge of the boardwalk nearest the spot in the water where he saw the herbs land. He looked into the depths and found the herbs pretty easily... But he wasn't the only one who had found the herbs. [color=orange]"Mag damn it. Nothin' is ever simple 'ere, is it?"[/color] Brutrumukk spoke in annoyance as a fish the size of an ogre swam up and swallowed the herbs. Thankfully, Brutrumukk had picked up something of a proficiency with handling animals when his duties as the Spirit of the Snoring Stone called for him to watch over herds of livestock. This had included an aquatic farm of giant fish that had been set up along a river near the Snoring Stone. Taking the Duskmallow Pie and the dragon gourd out of his backpack, Brutrumukk 'transformed' back into gnome form to appear less threatening and crumbled some of the pie into the water to lure the fish up to the surface where Brutrumukk could then use past experience in dealing with giant fish to coax this one into giving up the herbs. [hider=OOC] Brutrumukk makes an Animal Handling check of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/26286]20[/url] to handle this animal into giving up the herbs. [/hider]