Compared to past 'One Universe' games, 'What If' is focused on the concept of the multiverse meaning players are concurrently running their own universes alongside the one run by the GM. While the GM multiverse will consist of the game's primary narrative, players are also encouraged to build the world with their multiverses and collaborate with other players to tell those stories. Players will be presented with opportunities to cross between their multiverse and the GM multiverse for 'Crises' events with individual 'Crossovers' left up to the discretion of each player and their concept. The game will, as it has in the past, run in 'Seasons' with the Season concluding when that Multiverse's narrative has resolved. Each season, the GM directed multiverse will pivot on a different multiverse with players being able to continue their characters in the previous multiverse or swap out for a new concept to keep the game feeling fresh.